Mollys misery

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She gave up. 14 hours of searching through every 'Granger ' listed in the stupid bloody book and visiting them, checking for her youngest sons beloved.

Unfortunately, she was also stuck. Arthur had given her a 24 time frame, so she had 10 hours to pull herself together and try again.

Meanwhile her sons were only a kilometre away, chatting happily about their lives.

"I just can't believe you two are pregnant Freddie!"

"I know Georgie, it is very exciting and Hermione and I were wondering if you would be comfortable being the Godfather?"


Hermione and Fred burst out laughing at George's antics. But the noise brought the attention of another brother

"Whats all the racket?" Jacob asked, running into the house, his werewolf hearing having picked up George's excitement from just outside.

"Oh...err..we..well, you see," Hermione barely managed to stammer out.

"Who the bloody hell is this fool?"

"George! That's Hermione's brother, you idiot!" Fred ground back harshly.

"Oh." His brother replied shortly.

"Fred, this is your twin right?"

"Wow, very quick on the uptake, aren't you bud?"

"GEORGE!" The couple were outraged at George's behaviour.

"Its ok, I know I'm not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed."

"Jacob, what would make you think that?"

"Um.. well... don't get angry Hermione, but Bella s-"

"I am going to murder that greedy little bitch!" Hermione fumed.

Fred grabbed her by the waist.  "Well, as eventful as this family reunion has been, I think that everybody is rather tired. Goodnight!" He said.

"Fred, its only 4:15! Let go of me!"


George begun to poke Jacob, who began to poke back, distracting Fred long enough for Hermione to wriggle out of his grasp and get away.

She could hear her husband and brothers running after her and calling her name, but she was already on her way.

Molly stopped in some little town, puffing and wheezing with exhaustion. Her international portkey only had 6 hours left on it, so she decided to find some nice people who could take her in until then.

By the time she made it up the first hill, she only had 5 and a half hours left. But she could see a house on the top of the next hill that looked quite nice.

With 5 hours left, she knocked on the door to the house, and a pale, handsome man opened the door.

"Can I help you ma'am?" His face sent Molly's heart beating like crazy, almost as if she were a teenager again.

" Yes actually, I can see clouds rolling over the hills and I need a place to stay for a little while."

He narrowed his eyes slightly, but stepped aside and allowed her through the door.

"Oh, what a lovely home you have!"

"Thank you Miss...."

"Weasley. But you can call me Molly."

"Well Molly, make yourself at home, I just have to go and get the rest of my family, I won't be a moment."

"Oh, of course, I look forward to meeting them."

Molly settled herself into the pristine white lounge, sighing at the smell of something that was properly clean, a smell she had not been familiar with for a long time.

Not a moment later, a large group of very pale people were standing before her, scrutinising her hair, her clothes, her face. It made her very uncomfortable, but she supposed it was an eye opening experience.

She often said that first impressions were the ones that you remembered, and everybody had a story laid out in their scars, bruises, clothes, eyes, nose, hands and mouths, but they were yet to tell it.

The family stared at her for a long while, that was, until the door banged open, and a very familiar, dripping wet woman walked inside.


Running through the forest, more than half way through a pregnancy was the most exhausting thing ever for Hermione. Not to mention the ever-present rain clouds silently looming over her head, heavy with water, about to open up the skies and leave her freezing cold.

But the rain was welcome too. It would make it harder for her husband and brothers to see and smell her.

By the time the rain started, she was too tired to continue walking as the very fast pace she had previously been walking. She slowed down, just as the rain began to speed up and get heavier, drenching her from the roots of her hair to the tips of her toes.

She was freezing, but the warm lights of the Cullen household loomed in the distance, pushing her forward.

As she neared, she paid no attention to the plump red-headed woman on the couch in the window, and continued storming up to the door blinded with rage.

She slammed the door open, making eye contact with Bella, before a flash of orange caught her eye.

Her eyes widened as she took in her mother-in-law, staring back at her with confused and shocked eyes.

Not just one nightTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang