the last sprint

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Guys... I hate to say it but this is the last chapter before the epilogue. I am extremely sorry for the wait, but with Christmas and all, this story was the last thing on my mind. I hope you enjoy this.


Molly and Arthur had been sitting anxiously in the waiting room of the hospital for 6 hours after a message from Fred had sent them scrambling to America. Their first grand baby would be soon. They had both thought that Bill would be the first to give them grandchildren, him being the oldest, but Fluer had other ideas, refusing to sacrifice her body for motherhood and claiming that she would be an awful mother, even though she'd never tried.

After another hour and a half of sitting around, Fred came through hallway and smiled excitedly at his parents.

"Well? What do you have?" Arthur asked.

"Boys." Fred replied, raising one eyebrow cryptically, the giddy smile still plastered across his face.


"Yeah dad. Twins."

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee." A high pitched interrupted the tender father-son moment. Of course, it was George.

"Two more of us! Way to go Freddy. Oh the fun we can have, teaching them to blow things up! And when they go to hogwarts? Even better!"

"George, they're twenty minutes old. They might take after their mum, you never know."

"Eh, even so, NEPHEWS!" He cried, throwing his arms in the air and doing a little dance.

Fred gave his brother an applause and laughed. "I've got to get back in there, but you'll be at our house right? We'll probably be back tomorrow."

"Oh of course. Now go, your family needs you." His mother gave him a warm hug and then shooed him away.

Fred walked back into the delivery room, where his wife and newborn sons were sleeping. They hadn't decided on names or godparents yet, but they had both agreed that, even though they knew they were having twins, and they knew they were having boys, they would keep all of the big decisions spontaneous. Both he and Hermione worked better under pressure.

He sank into the hard chair beside his wife letting his head drop back and closing his eyes.

When he opened them again 22 minutes later, the room seemed brighter than he remembered, and louder. But that was probably because his newborn sons were crying loudly.

Next to him, Hermione was slowly waking up.

"Maybe this is why they usually keep them in nurseries. " Fred suggested.

"Shut up. They're my children and I don't want to be away from them for a minute. Even if it means using the confundus charm on the nurse." She shot back, getting out of the bed and painfully making her way to the twins.

"Third generation twins, how about it?"

Hermione smiled lovingly as she picked them up. "Yeah, how about it."

"You know, I never thought that I would be here, doing this with you. Especially now."

"Me neither. I don't regret having them, but I wish we'd waited longer. I wanted my career to take off first, and I wanted to tell your parents what was going on. I guess I wouldn't even ask to change it now. Look at them."

Fred looked at her, inspecting her for any hidden regrets, but he couldn't find any. "You don't wish we had lived out our twenties before settling down? Doing this?"

"No, silly. My twenties was going to be all work no play anyway, so what's the harm? And this way, we don't have to be old parents. We can be young and cool." He laughed at that, giving her a loving kiss on the forehead.

People came and went, visiting until Hermione and the babies were discharged from hospital. When she arrived home, all of her family and Fred's were gathered, celebrating the new additions to the family.

Even Ginny was there. But whenever she tried to approach, Fred would give her a hard glare. He knew his sister hated Hermione, but he also knew that she only hated Hermione because she was everything that ginny wasn't.

When everybody left, the two of them drifted into peaceful sleep on the couch, each of them with a baby.

For the first time, Hermione and Fred were a real family, kids and all.

Hmmm, this was so lazy of me and I apologise. I lost all of my passion for this story but thank god it was at the end. I will write an epilogue, just so you know it's really over. Also, that thing with ginny went nowhere and I'm really sorry about that.


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