Change me pt 2

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Amber POV

It is the next day and Michael still isn't use to everything which is ok it takes time his appetite hasn't changed yet ...He needs blood that's why

Michael POV

I'm not use everything yet it's only my first day being a vampire it take time my appetite hasn't been increased yet but I'm just happy to be with amber

Amber: Your appetite hasn't been increased yet

Michael: I know I don't know why

Amber: Cause you need blood is why

Michael: How do I get it

Amber: You have to drink it from me

Michael: no I can't do that

Amber: it's ok Michael that's the only way your appetite will increase ...Trust me

He really didn't want to do that but he wanted his appetite back

Michael: Ok

She came close to him and told him go ahead

Amber: it won't hurt me ...I'll show you what to do

She showed him what to do and he got it

Amber: Go ahead( moved her hair)

Michael took a deep breathe and got close to her

Amber knew he was nervous on doing it but it was ok

Michael began drinking and that's when he didn't want to stop

She knew his appetite was coming up so she just let him drink until he was full

Amber: you feel better

Michael: yes my appetite is up

Amber: I know

Michael: I'm sorry

Amber: it's ok don't worry about it least you ate

Michael: Yea

Now his appetite was back and he was full

Amber wipe the blood off of the side of his mouth

Now they won't hurt Michael or come after him anymore

Amber: when do we have to plan the wedding

Michael: we can do it today if you want

Amber: Ok that's fine

He called up the wedding planners and they were on their way to plan the wedding

Michael was excited and couldn't wait to plan the wedding....he will let his family know amber really showed Michael what true love is all about and it has been wonderful his ❤️ was happy

Amber and Michael both agreed on what they want to have at the wedding etc

An hour later

Amber POV

Michael has fallen asleep on me he's so cute sleeps just like a baby we are done planning the wedding Michael was so excited but we chose a different wedding date though we decided to get married May 15th my dress has already been made and should be ready by the time we get our wedding comes

Michael POV

I was sleeping on amber she was so soft and we decided to get married May 15th I couldn't wait I will tell my family the news she has shown me what true love is all about and it's a wonderful feeling to have since then I have been nothing but happy and I don't feel lonely anymore cause I have amber to come to and talk to as well

Amber removed herself from Michael and he didn't want her to go he was comfortable

Amber knew that this marriage was going to be worth it the fans don't even know it yet Michael just wants to continue enjoying the relationship until he's fully ready to come out which is understandable of course amber didn't force or rush him to say anything about it ...he wanted the world to hear it from him but his family will be the first to know

Amber had Michael ❤️ on lock and she knew it the love he has for her was incredible and something they both never felt before in their entire life of trying to find true love ....Janet even knew from the beginning that amber was the one for him amid they are getting married soon

Michael came to the bathroom to see her staring into the mirror and asking her if she ok she felt his arms around her

Amber: Yes I'm fine let's go back to bed

She turned the light off and they got back in bed together they were so close to each other as they cuddled amber had both legs on Michael she was curled up like a baby of course

Amber could already see the day she walks down the aisle on their wedding day while Michael is waiting for her...While was happy to see her in her dress and couldn't wait to take it off of her she could see it all happening but the marriage was worth it

The fans were happy for them as they got married cause it was announced that the got married etc ...Amber knew that day was going to be very special to Michael cause he was getting married again and it was going to be a wonderful time with family and Friends of course Elizabeth was invited to the wedding he couldn't leave her out of it

Michael was dreaming of having lots of children and being a wonderful father Lisa couldn't give him that cause people spread lies in her ears and she believed she even got on birth control Michael was hurt when he found out the truth

But he hopes that amber gives him children and make him a father everything he always wanted in his life but when the time come it will come he wasn't going to rush or anything

Amber knew that he was going to be a good father if they have children some day miracles do come true he loves kids and are good with them

It was cold in their home on a Saturday night the air hit them ...Amber heard a noise and got up

Amber POV

I heard a noise and got up I stared out the window to see Lisa putting something on the door her and sister left

Michael didn't feel Amber in bed anymore so he got up the bedroom door was open so he walked outside to see her

Michael POV

I didn't feel amber so I woke up and saw the door open that's when I seen her outside

Amber told him Lisa left him something Michael didn't even want to know what it was ...So he just tossed in the trash and they went back to bed

Amber was his happiness now and that's all that matter at that point he loved her and it was to late for Lisa to come back and fix things

Next chapter is coming

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