chapter 6

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Seoyeon's POV:
I was at the park sitting at the table crying. I hate crying it shows how weak i am. I dont like anyone seeing me cry. I think the only people that have seen me cry is my parents and Kai. I dont cry unless i am really hurt physically or mentally. I dont even think i cried when i broke my arm when i was playing in the park with Kai and Baekhyun when i was 14 just after my parents and brothers funeral. They told me i should get my mind off things so we were playing around on the edge of the bank of the pond and it was very high.

I was running away from Baekhyun when i didn't realise that i was so close to the edge of the bank and before i new it i fell. I hit the ground on my arm and i heard it break. Fuck that hurt. I could feel i was about to cry then i started to laugh to stop myself from crying. Then Baekhyun slid down the bank to me.
"Omg Seoyeon are you ok!?" He looked so worried i sat up still laughing when i saw his hands and arms
"Omg your arms and hands are you ok.... ugh I'm such a clumsy idiot. Im sorry Baekhyun." He looked at his arms shrugged it off
"I will be fine... what about you is anything broken?" I looked at hime and rolled the sleeve of my shirt up and my arm way a purplish blue colour.
"Shit. I think your arms broken. I will get Kai to get ambulance." I nodded he called kai to the side of the bank and he saw my arm
"Fuck that looks like it hurt.." both Baekhyun and I glared at him
"No fucking shit Sherlock, know call the fucking ambulance!" He yelled, Kai way shock and so was I, Baekhyun never cusses. So Kai went and called the ambulance. Baekhyun came in the ambulance with me.

End of flashback:
I smiled thinking about how much. Baekhyun cared about me that day. I remember once his arms healed he had scars along his arms and i feel so bad, but he says "its a reminder." I asked his a reminder of what. But he never says he just smiles and changes the subject. I love his smiled and everything about him..I just live him.

Kai's POV:
I was looking everywhere for her when i saw a small thin girl sitting head down on the table, i walked up to her.
"Seoyeon.....Seoyeon?" Ugh she asleep that means i have to carry her but shes so heavy.

I pick her up bridal style. Holly fuck you have lost so much weight Seoyeon you need to eat more. I took her home and walked inside the guys came running.

"Omg is she ok!?" Baekhyun yelled as he saw her in my arms.

"Shut up shes sleeping you know how she gets when you wake her up." All the gusy stopped know that if they woke her up she would be so cranky. I took her to my room. I placed her on my bed and took of her shoes and threw a blanket over her and walked out and shut the door. Then Baekhyun came up to me.

"Is she ok? I saw her eyes red and puffy was she crying when you got there?" I shook my head.

"No she was asleep." He nodded and walked away he seemed so worried. So i stopped him.

"Baekhyun!" he turned around and looked at me.

"Do you like Seoyeon?" I asked he blushed right away and put his hands on the back of his neck.

"No i dont like her.... i-i um love her." He said blushing. I smiled and put my hand on his shoulder.

"You need to talk her then... because she may have told me something about you." I saw his face light up.

"Ok thank you i will when shes awake..." he said and ran to his room. I laughed at his reaction.

Baekhyun's POV
Omg she likes me.... well i think.... i so hope she does because i love her so much and i want to be with her forever....

Seoyeon's POV
I woke up in a room but right away i new it was Kai's because of the picture of me and him when we were 10. Wow he still has that picture. I got up and walked out to see the guys they all looked at me but Baekhyun blushed when he saw me.
I walked straight up to chen and gave him a big hug.

"Im so sorry for yelling at you Chen i just lose my temper of those topics.. im sorry." He hugged me back.

"Its ok Seoyeon I understand. Im sorry too." We ended the hug but then Baekhyun grabbed my had and pulled me away from the the other boys.

"Whats wrong bacon." I asked and he blushed. He led me our into the garden.

"Ok so I'm going to say something and i just want you listen ok?" I nodded he took a breath and began to speak. 

"Seoyeon ever since that day i helped you when you broke your arm i have liked you but... i only just realised since you came back that... i-i love you...... I truly love you Song Seoyeon and i want to be with you for the rest of my life.... but if you dont feel the same I totally understand." He looked up at me i was shocked.
I smiled

"It's ok because i love you too i have loved you for a while i have just been to scared if you not liking me back it becoming weird between us. But i do i love you Baekhyun." I had the biggest smile on his face.

"M-may i kiss you?" He said and we both blushed. But then he kissed me. His lips were so soft. He put his hands on my waist and i put mine around his neck. Then we both heard people saying awe i looked at the window and all the guys were watching. I broke the kiss and flipped then off they all had 'im so offended'- look they laughed and walked away. I looked back at Baekhyun.

"So this means we are together?" He said looking away shyly.

"Of course it does." He looked at me a picked me up and spun me around with happiness. 

"Yay i love you so much Seoyeon." I laughed.

"I love you too bacon." I kissed him again.

I hope you like the chapter
Thanks Xx

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