Chapter 1: Dinner

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"Hey babe" Korra said "You're home earlier than normal." she smirked as Asami came closer. It was already 11:10 PM when Asami came home but with things ramping up at work she often came home around 1:00 AM and if she came earlier she was either down in her workshop or up in her office looking over contracts and patents.

Asami dropped her bag down on a nearby chair in the kitchen and hugged korra from behind. "Mhhh. What are you cooking? It smells great...I hope it tastes as good as it smells though. The last time you cooked dinner for us we both got food poisoning." she said now smirking.

"Hey I can cook!" Asami just gave her a look in return.

"Okay fine. But I can cook, just water tribe food though." "So why are you cooking again, you know my staff can just cook for us?" "Yah but I wanted to do something nice for you, you've just been so busy at work with your upcoming release on your new satomobile model. Plus they can't make this."

"Okay first of all, aww babe you're so sweet. How'd I get so lucky." Korra started to blush as she tried to hide her smile. "Secondly, you know whatever you can cook they can cook. I know they're not from the south but if you give them instructions my staff are just as capable of making dinner as you are".

Korra turned the stove down a little so she didn't over heat the meal and went to get some herbs and spices.

"I know they can cook 'Sami. But this is my mom's secret recipe only family can have it. I had to beg her to give it to me. Just so you know she would have much rather made this for you herself first and she's gonna kick my butt later for taking that away from her." Korra said now picking up a spoon and storing the pot. "Come here, try a sip"

Asami walked over hesitantly and tried to take the spoon from korra. Korra quickly pulled away saying "ah ah ah" as she smirked. Asami got what she meant and rolled her eyes before opening her mouth to let Korra give her a taste. As she sipped it her taste buds began going crazy and her mouth started to water. "Oh my spirits Korra that's amazing. I'm so excited for dinner!" Korra have her trademark pout "You mean you weren't excited before?"

Asami put her arms around the avatars neck and looked deep into her enchanting blue eyes. "Babe can you really be mad at me after your track record? Besides you proved me wrong and that's not something a lot of people can do she said leaning into a soft sweet kiss. As she pulled away she saw Korra smirking looking up into her eyes. "Gah you always know just what to say and how to say it. Why don't you sit down and I'll grab us both a dish?" Asami pulled away more hesitantly but excitement started to fill her up again as she remembered the tasty dish her love had made just for her.

"I'll get us a drink before I sit down. What goes well with..."

"Arctic hen stew" Korra called over her shoulders. "I grew up drinking it with seaweed juice but I think a nice Chardonnay will do". Asami bunched you her nose and stuck out her tongue thinking of the time Korra got her to try some seaweed juice. She guessed it just had to be an acquired taste from the South Pole.

She poured the wine into glasses for her and Korra as her girlfriend brought over the dishes. They both sat down and had a lovely chat about their week and the many projects each had. Korra was in the final process of finishing some work for a new orphanage for the city, of course Asami came up with the blueprints for the new building after the battle with kuvira that left the city wrecked just a little over a year ago.

"Do you want kids?"
If you stumbled upon this thank you for reading! I already have the next two chapters in the works and I hope to update regularly. With school coming to and end and quarantine still in effect I should have a lot of free time on my hands to make this story come alive. Let me know what you think!

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