vi. the sequel

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➩ 𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟: 𝕜𝕚𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕪 𝕓𝕪 𝕡𝕒𝕥𝕥𝕚 𝕤𝕞𝕚𝕥𝕙

LOOKING DOWN from the sky to the sign indicating where Lyon Estates was to be built, the teenagers felt as if they never even left 1955 successfully. Which, in some ways, was entirely true.

Landing the Delorean, the three stepped out to have Marty look around dazed with it still being dark out. "Oh this is heavy. I mean it's like I was just here yesterday," Marty mentioned.

"Like we never really left?" Amanda agreed.

"That's because you didn't, not really. You were here yesterday. Amazing isn't it?" Doc explained to be amazed by the scientific outlook on the matter. Walking towards the front of the sign of Lyon Estates at this hour proved no cars around for miles now to spot them or the Delorean. "Alright sunrise should be in about 22 minutes."

"You both go into town. Track down young Biff and tail him." Doc continued to explain the plan as Amanda only tried to follow along as best she could to his fast paced way of explaining things. Marty, on the other hand, was silently relying on his friend to be able to understand him at the speed the Doc was talking in. "Sometime today, old Biff will show up to give young Biff the almanac. Above all, you must not interfere with that event. We must let old Biff believe he's succeeded, so that he'll leave 1955 and bring the Delorean back to the future."

"Right." Marty slowly nodded his head as Doc explained this, though judging by the look on his face he was still going to need a bit of time to think it through himself.

"Once old Biff is gone, grab the almanac any way that you can. Remember, both of our futures depend on this," Doc finished.

Marty laughed at this and held himself for a moment over the chill that was starting up from them being here. "You don't have to remind me of that, Doc."

He nodded understandingly to begin to hand Amanda the equipment. "Here's some binoculars and a walkie-talkie so we can keep in contact." He began looking trough the Delorean once again, bringing things out neither of them saw when they were inside. "I'll stay here and try to repair the short in the time circuits. That way we don't risk anyone else stealing the time machine, and I won't risk accidentally running into my other self."

Doc brought out a briefcase of sorts suddenly and ran into the street. Not undersnding what he meant by this, Marty knit his brows together over what he meant. "Other self?" His memory not being the better of him, he failed to remember that him and Amanda were just here yesterday as Doc had already pointed out to them.

"Yes. There are now two of me here, and there are two versions of the two of you here." He ran forward, looking off somewhere to have Marty mimic him as way of better understanding what he was trying to tell them. Amanda simply stood in her place as opposed to looking as foolish as he was now in her eyes, facepalming herself over how literal he was being by following Doc. "The other me is the Dr. Emmet Brown from 1955, the younger me that helps the other versions of you and Amanda get back to 1985."

Doc stopped Marty from following him in his rampant pacing, having her assume the fiasco to be over as Amanda walked over to them. "Remember the lightning bolt at the clock tower?"

"Yeah!" Marty exclaimed out of breath by how rampant his footing had been to have her laugh behind him over this.

"That event doesn't happen until tonight, so you both must be careful to not run into your other selves."

Amanda gestured over to Marty beside her in amusement. "So why don't I stay with you and help you fix the time circuits while Marty goes after Biff?" Doc only gave her a knowing grin to have Marty feel quite insulted by this. Knowing he had a tendency to be reckless that didn't mean their friend had to make it apparent with him around. Amanda, however, was enjoying the fact she would always be put in charge to make sure things went about about smoothly. Though with both of them put together, chaos was bound to ensue.

Nodding along, pleased to hear it for herself, she smiled back to Doc. "Forget I said anything then."

Doc nodded, stepping down to open the briefcase they were now able to see was labeled as EMERGENCY CASH. "Now, let me give you some money." Laying out the briefcase lined with several stacks of cash, Marty and her whistled over the amount of money that was stored inside as Doc tried to find the year from those labeled closest to that of 1955. "I have to be prepared for all monetary possibilities."

Handing the young blonde the cash despite Marty extending out a hand to it, Doc looked to them seriously. "Get yourself some 50s clothes."

"Check Doc," Marty said, helping her up for the them to run into town to the next shop that'd be open.

"Something inconspicuous," Amanda turned over to see Doc shouting to us.

Trying to keep up the pace with him running this fast, she groaned over the actual exercise she was receiving from this. Marty laughed at the sight of this knowingly but still quickened his pace to elevate the amount of distaste she had already had with the activity. "That's right, you told me always had a note to excuse yourself from P.E.."

"Yeah, slightly regretting that now," Amanda told him, barely being able to catch her breath. Turning up to the sunrise on their side, she smiled towards it as the rest of the town seemed to be deserted. Taking a corner to the courthouse square to see shops still closed, Marty perched himself on the steps of the courthouse to take a breather while they were still able to.

She tilted her head to him to simply take a seat beside him. "Doc could've left me in charge," He mentioned as Amanda looked up to see it was still early in Hill Valley and shops wouldn't be realistically opening up until maybe 8am. "I could do a fine job."

"Yeah I'm sure you can, blue." She looked over to him by her breezing past the comment, not helping to laugh at the sight. His lips were formed into a childish pout accompanied by a slouch. Seeing him trying to play off as being insulted by this she questioned it further. "Are we going to go through this again? C'mon."

Holding the walkie talkie in her hands, she handed it over to him. "There, you have one job and it's to man the comms," She offered him to have Marty tuck the clip into his pant pockets.

"Whatever you say, Captain Kirk."

Being offended by this, Amanda raised a finger to him. "Never in your life use a Star Trek reference." Marty eyed her she as thought up a better substitute. "More of a Han Solo anyways. Not really a captain, but still the coolest of the group. It's only fitting."

He rolled his eyes over the Star Wars reference but still smiled over it having come from her. "Whatever you say."

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