Chapter 1. | Our opening

Start from the beginning

How did it end like this? It made him reminisce about before. Coming to L.A, starting new. Barely affording his apartment and partying at any club. Where they met. She was confident, that's what he liked about her. She had made the first move. Little did he know she'd make every move...

"All of the decisions in my fucking life." He grunted. Little things like the curtains in their house, which toothpaste to buy, shit like that. He wouldn't have minded so much if she wasn't so damn pissy on not getting her way.

A blur of red caught his eye as he gazed around the room of people. There was a man in a designer maroon suit. Handsome. Was the first thing to pop in his mind. He continued eyeing the stranger while sipping his drink. Everyone at Kendall's or her friends' get together a we're good looking. His life is surrounded by models and celebrities. Their looks beautiful, almost too beautiful to be real. He couldn't put his finger on why this stranger had his attention. Maybe because he seemed natural. Nicely styled jet black hair with stubble, a jawline- that could cut! When he reached those eyes he nearly choked. Not only did he catch him staring, but he was gorgeous. The eyes basically winded him.

"Harry! Get up! I need you to meet my best friend!" Jesus how many did she have? "We worked together when I first started modeling."

Harry's pov:

She yanked me up from the couch only to be met with the man in the suit. Our eyes met again. Of course! The looks explain it all, a model.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Harry." I stuck my hand out. He looked shocked. Shit, does he think I'm weird for staring at him just a second ago? Soon he laughs.

"Uhhh no that's my best friend." Kendall pointed at the woman next to him. She almost looked offended. We shook hands.

"Ah." Was all I could say.

"Sooo this is him?"

"Yes, Harry this is Gigi." I nodded.

"Oh and I'm her husband Zayn." The man introduced himself. He had a firm handshake and a kind smile.

"Hi. So you have an accent?" It was stronger than mine, mine was starting to wear off but you could still tell. I don't use slang anymore.

"Ah yeah." He smiled.

"I knew you had a thing for accents!" Kendall teased.

Gigi bit her lip. "Well yeah and just look at him." Her arm rested on his shoulder.

"So where are you from?" He asked me.

"Cheshire. You?" I asked with same interest.

"Bradford. How long you been here? Long time I suppose?"

"Let's see uh... six years." I count. He whistles low in response.

"They're opening more champagne G, let's go!" Both our wives link arms. Kendall points between us. "You two. Socialize."

He gave me a warm smile which I gladly returned.

That night Kendall and I stayed longer than anticipated. Which always pissed me off. Being in these crowds was draining or excruciatingly awkward. Just hearing this man's voice put me at ease. Yes we were still awkward, but it was more funny then it was painful. We couldn't seem to stop talking. I found out that he was really into art and music.

"I was the weird, quiet kid for a while. Still am actually." He scratched the back of his head.

"No way! Look at you!" I beamed.

"Ha no! The weirdo is still here, just better dressed." He fixed his collar.

"God what phases have you went through?" My flashbacks started to hit me.

"Oh I was addicted to fashion... I think I have a couple of high school pics on me. Used to cut the sleeves of my flannels or jackets and jeans. You name it." He slipped his phone out and swiped through his photos. "Ah- here." He showed me, scooting closer.

He was much paler back then and quite skinny. You could tell even with the baggy scuffed up jeans he had on. He looked like a completely different person without a beard. Black liner was drawn on his lids. "You're practically a different person! The eyeliner, it's... bold,"

"Huh, only tried that once." He rolled his eyes as he tucked his phone away. He nods at me. "How bout you?"

I gave a cheeky smile. "Don't have any on me."

"No fair! You did photography! You don't have one picture of yourself?!"

I sipped my drink. "I do, but not on my phone. They're on my old camera."

"Hmmm gotta show me then someday."

He spilt his drink twice tonight! Once on the wooden floor, which was quick to clean with a cloth before anyone saw. I've trained myself to be steady at all times in any house. I've been scolded on a single drop of some Domaine wine on a thousand something dollar rug. So I guess he really broke my record.

"Shit! Oh fuck me..." Zayn quickly checked behind him to see if anyone saw.

The spilt wine was just the right shade of rouge on the couch. Lucky bastard.

"No one can even tell." I said pressing the wet area.

"Don't spread it! Great, I'm a wonderful neighbor."

"Neighbor?" I crooked my head to the side.

"Yeah, I live in the area." He busied himself with drying the spot with a handkerchief.

Before I could speak I felt an all familiar tug on my arm. "Harry I've got to wake up early tomorrow. Let's go babe."  She cooed.

Gigi was standing by Zayn's side now. We both stood up from the couch. His hand reached out. "Nice meeting you Harry." I shook it. It sounded more like "Harreh" than "Harr-ee".

Gigi and Kendall went in for one last hug and kiss on the cheeks. He leaned toward the side of my head. "This couch stain is our secret."

"Oh please, you're fine. It's invisible."

"Still feel bad though. I don't even know who's house this is!"

"Me either and I've been here three times." I admitted.

"Well shit." We burst out laughing.

Soon enough we parted to our homes. Kendall does her night time routine while I get into bed before her.

For once, I feel in a light mood from these dreadful parties. Like I made a friend, one I liked right away.

I've a handful of acquaintances and really only one person I talk to at work. Which feels sad admitting. I've slowly lost all the connections I made the first year I moved to California. My amateur photographer friends didn't really get along with Kendall's model friends. Kendall and I differed from a lot of people our age at the time. We married so young.

Six years now... how can that be? All that time gone. I used to lie in bed and think about how lonely days could be. Especially with Kendall having to travel a lot and the house being empty majority of the time.

I hated the feeling of being isolated. I wanted to deny it, avoid it. So I stayed at late shifts, drag out time on walks or grocery store runs. I squeeze my eyes shit in bed. I don't want to think about anything right now. Well except for the good  things. I woke up this morning, got through the day, and made a new friend.

ZARRY | 𝑊𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now