Chapter 7. | Tainted *WARNING (UPDATED CHAPTER)

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Harry has only a couple of his tattoos, not all.

Also I don't know how to write with different dialects/accents because I'm aMERicAn sooo- honestly I'm not even gonna try to I'm so sorry


SMUT- mildish? It's my first bxb fic okay so be nice

I decided to just move the smut into this chapter instead of separating it. So if you read this chapter before it was updated then go ahead and skip to the bottom you horny bastard.


The time of meeting got pushed back. Work jinxed him a fool. Janet Heel, the editorial director of Flair magazine, carried the pretentiousness of the role but not the leadership. She always let deadlines slip and was very late about things. Sam and him were sent a last minute email about another article that needed editing and a bit more "grandiloquence" to glam it up, as the boss lady put it.

It took about 2 hours. Zayn wasn't exactly pleased, but it wasn't like Harry had anticipated it!

A quick rinse in the shower and a change of clothes washed off his work odor. He doesn't remember the last time he rushed to get somewhere since high school, running late to class or ditching as fast as possible when it was over.

He took advantage of the lack of traffic and pressed the gas further. Water trickled down his neck from the shower. Shit. He hoped that he washed all the soap out at least. It was wet as a mop when he ran his fingers through, rolling the windows down he relied on the wind to help some... Great. He was drying his hair like an actual dog.

He parked alongside a curb across the place. Lights were brighter in the inside of one building than the other, which was dimmed. He guessed the left was the tattoo parlor and the right was the barber shop. Both shared the same entrance, two tall black doors with the owner's names painted on the panes. Looking through the glass there was no sight of Zayn. The first thing you face when stepping in is a wall graffitied with paint. Art, characters, quotes or names of all sizes and colors filled this area, the pathway to the tattoo artist to the left and the barber on the right. The most legible letters on the wall were the largest, H.A.Z.

He had driven so eagerly and now that he was here all of a sudden he felt out of place. He stood under the center ceiling light looking at the dimmed room on his left. He backed out of his awkward stance, running his hand through his still damp hair before jamming his hands into his pockets. Without taking one step to his left, he's stopped.

"Sorry man that side is closed. We're not doing walk-ins at the moment, did you have an appointment?" The man has sandy hair, wearing an unbuttoned shirt with a tank underneath. No tattoos... this must be Niall, Harry takes note. The accent also gives it away.

"Uh, um no." He stammers. "I'm looking for Zayn actually."

Niall's brows furrow for a second. "Oh he's out right now actually, but I can let him know that you stopped by." His heart drops, he did feel bad for making him wait so long but Zayn could've at least told him to cancel. "What's your name?"

Just then cold air blew behind his back. The large doors slammed shut, both of them turned to see the visitor entering. There he was with his hands full. Those brown eyes met Harry and his warm voice greeted him. "Hey Hazzah."

Harry could've dropped dead right there. "Thought I gave you the day off?" Niall jokingly scolds.

"Went to get everyone food. There's another bag in the backseat and drinks in the cup holder." He nods outside, his partner pats his shoulder thanking him before grabbing the extra food.

ZARRY | 𝑊𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝐴𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang