Chapter 1: Accident, Mishap, Penance? You name it.

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Date: Friday, July 15th, 2020.

Location: Austin, Texas.

The scorching Texas sun did nothing but worsen the situation of Daniel Mars. He felt as if his blue suit was squeezing him and his black tie was strangling him. Work was one of the biggest obstacles that life threw at him.

His boss was a total ass hat who took out his frustration on his employees. Unfortunately, Daniel was always on the receiving side of his rage and he had worked with Mr Godwin for three years. 12 months in a year, right? Do the math then multiply the answer by infinity. That was how much shit he had taken since he started working for L- Corps.

"Where to, buddy?" The cabman smelt of booze and cheese. Lots and lots of cheese. Pineapples and pizza was okay but booze and cheese? That should be a crime in the catering world. "Are you serious or what?" It was then I realised I was staring at the cab.

"So sorry sir, drive to L-Corps. Use any shortcuts you know of and please step on it!" After giving me another scowl, the driver sped off. Unfortunately, the lane he entered was blocked.

The traffic was so much that the law enforcement had to lift the barricade used to separate the two roads so that cars on the blocked lane could slowly but steadily flow to the free lane. There was a very high risk of accident but what else could they have done? The obstruction was caused by a small Volvo crash.

The driver said there was a casualty but his body was pulled out not long ago. "Bear with me if you arrive late buddy." Of course! It's not as if I was on time anyway. The slow ride made my eyelids become heavy. I was 27, I knew the risk of sleeping in a cab. This was why I decided to stare up at the roof of the car and think.

Linen Corps was not where I actually made up my mind to work. When I was a tad bit younger, I aspired to become a detective. In school, I studied criminology, sociology, and a bunch of other 'ogys' I needed to achieve my dream. Life was moving in the direction I wanted it to. Then all of a sudden, snap!

My dad was d-e-a-d as a door nail. Long story cut short, he ignored a chronic sickness and payed for it. Shortly after, my life came crumbling down. Do not get me wrong, I finished school quite all right.

But no one was around to fund my aspirations since I was the first and only child, my mother died immediately after child birth and all my uncles were always involved in shady deals. That left me like a paper in the wind, no book was there to hold me in place. I was deserted.

Till one of my shady uncles decided that I had 'suffered enough'. He introduced me to Mr Godwin Green and that is how I started working for an illegal linen making company. The company was highly confidential and hidden to most individuals.

The government knew what they were doing and always threatened to destroy the company but one look from Godwin's attorney kept the police quiet. The lady was known to have represented the force at some point. Maybe she still had some leverage over her former co-workers.

L-Corps was illegal not because it worked under the noses of the government but because it made its linen from the fur of exotic and endangered animals. I mean if they are that rich, why not get a warrant from the zoo or something so they can procreate afterwards to prevent extinction?

The -2 floor was where all the animals were kept. My work station is on the 8th floor, my boss's floor. Since I studied a bit of accounting, I was the finance manager of the company. The strange thing was that Uncle Danielson had no connection with this company, although I did not know much of his whereabouts or work places.

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