"Knew you needed it..." EX whispered as he grabbed the book and walked over to the chair. He sat down and took off his helmet, letting his white hair fall into his pale face.

With the Architechs

They were gathered in Sahara, Mumbo and Iskall sitting at the table while Grian walked frantically around the room, muttering to himself.

"G, sit and calm dow-" Mumbo tried to say before being cut off by-

"How can I be CALM when one of my best friends is in DANGER!?!?!" Grian stated as he glared at his friends for a mere second. Mumbo decided to shut up after that, not wanting to see his crushes bad side.

Iskall, on the other hand, continued.

"Dude, come on. X will figure something out. For now, we should try and come up with a plan of our own!" Iskall tried to get Grian to stop, but it just made it worse.

"I can't calm down! The kid is in danger and it's because I wasn't properly watching them!" Tears were forming in the corners of Grian's eyes as he spoke.

"Grian, it isn't your fault! Even if (Tn) was in the room with us, I doubt that we would have noticed them enter!" Mumbo defended as he stood up and stopped Grian's pacing.

"I-I know! I just... feel like I should have done something!" Grian yelled as tears started to streak his cheeks. Mumbo, unable to see his crush in this state, hugged Grian tight.

"G, there wasn't anything you could have done better. This.. thing has supernatural powers that even X and his brother couldn't face... You did all you could and should focus on finding them." Mumbo stated sincerely. Grian hugged Mumbo back and tried to slow his tears.

"Yeah... I guess..." Grian muttered as he let go of Mumbo, sitting down on his throne of a chair. Mumbo followed suit and sat down in his chair. Iskall gave a kind smile and started trying to find a plan of action.

With you

I had been sitting in the room for who knows how long. Honestly, I didn't even know if the Hermits knew where I was... I really hoped they did, but I doubted it.

As I counted the rocks of the cobblestone walls for the fifth time, I wondered why they had chosen me. Why Zhuvito decide Hermitcraft was their target.


I sat up and turned quickly to the noise. The door had opened and someone walked in. It was too dark to tell anything significant about them, but they were holding something.

"Eat up kid. Boss wants you decently healthy." A male voice grumbled as they placed a tray on my bed. I saw glints and reflections that could only signify armor. They started walking away but I asked.

"Healthy for what?" The man turned back around and sighed.

"God, kids always have to know... That's not my place to tell ya, but you'll find out soon enough." And with that, they vanished out the door again, locking it behind them.

I looked down to the tray of food. A piece of bread, an apple, and a tiny glass of water. I picked up the bread. It was stale, but still edible. The apple wasn't rotting, but was definatly was a few days away from starting.

I nibbled the bread slightly, deciding it was to stale to eat like it was, so I dipped it slightly in the water. My next bite, it was less stale and ok-ish to eat. So I dribbled more water on it and ate.

Once finished with the bread, I took a small bite out of the apple. It was extremely bitter and dry. I tried to eat it once more, but felt like throwing up instead. So I put the apple back and downed the last of my water. Placing the cup back on the tray, I picked it up and set it next to the door.

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