He took a rope and tied my hands and my mouth.

"Poor Arjuna thinking he could see his child huhh??," he laughed.

I tried soo hard to resist but me with my child I was afraid something would happen to them.

"Sit here be careful He have told me to bring safely," he made me sit.

What bring me safely Duruyodhana!!!!!!

That A hole....

"Don't worry Dhaksha!!," he tried move.


The mouse which I chassed away got on him.

"Heyy you little mouse where are you?? Ughhh aishhh this mouse. Shhhuu shhhhuuu," he shouted.

What mouse helping me?

"You mice go away!!!," he managed to throwed it away.

"Don't think that mice would save you," he smiled.


He grabbed me to take on his chariot.

I tried my best to escape but I couldn't.....

Lord it's in your hand Save me and my sons

"Who will help you now Dhaksh-"

Suddenly we heard elephant footsteps and elephant roar

"Go get inside!!"

The foot steps became loud and roar became so loud.

Suddenly a big elephant approached from the other side

"Fast fast get inside you!!!,"

It came near and throwed his Chariot away...

"What let's run," he dragged me.

Elephant approached near him and took him and dashed in the tree.

He became unconscious....

What just happen???

Elephant greeted me.

Suddenly it changed into an Young men with Face of Elephant and Human body.

Lord Ganeshaa??

He approached near and remove the ropes.

"Lord Ganesh, Thank you soo much for helping me," I said in a astonishnent and greeted him.

"No no no Mata!!! It's my duty to save you and your child. I'm soo happy to see you Maata. And this putra of yours will be always there in your side.Bless me," he greeted.

Mata?? Me ohh yeahh I got it.

"Bless you my child. Thank you so much,because of you we are here alive," I held his shoulder.

"It's duty my Maata!!"

"Sorry for swatting that mouse away I'm sure you came to warn me,"

"No no I came to eat the laddoos you made Maata," he laughed.

"Here have this laddoos," I gave him my laddoos.

He ate in one gulp

"Take care my dear son,"I smiled

"Take care Mata, I shall leave now," he tied Jayadratha in the tree and vanished.

Jayadratha sat tied there near our hut in the tree.

I was waiting for them inside our hut I can't walk to temple too, in this state of mine I can't.

Arjuna's pov

"Something is feeling wrong Bhratta" Sahadev said

"What happened Sahadev??," Yudhistran Na asked.

"Something is wrong???" Draupadi asked.

"Let's hurry to see Jyesthabhavikashree now!!,"Sahadev shouted.

"What's wrong with Dhaksha??," both me and Karna said at same time.

We saw each other and turned away.

"I'm sure Sahadev has his reason let's all go,"Madhav said.

"Yess Madhava!!,"I said.

"Yes Vasudeva,"Karna said.

Again at the same time-_-

"Hahahah come let's rush," Madhav called.

We soon approached near our.

"Bhratta look Dhushala's Husband Jayadratha!!!," Nakul pointed.

"What is he doing here???," Draupadi shouted.

What happened???
We saw Jayadratha trying to come our side of the rope Noo what happened to Dhaksha.

We started moving close.

Dhaksha's pov

I heard Nakul shouting outside.

I peeked outside it was Aarya and all approaching near.

I started move fast, noticing Jayadratha was back to consciousness.

"I shall definitely destroy your kids!!," Jayadratha shouted.

"Stay right there Dhaksha don't strain yourself,"Aarya shouted.

"Stay right there my sister!!!," Kanha shouted.

I didn't listen to him I started walking fast. I noticed Karna standing there.

While Jayadratha suddenly laid his leg infront of me made me to....

To be continued.....

What do you think will happen to Dhaksha and her sons?

Will everyone managed to save her?

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Mahabharata- I Wish This Lasts Forever(Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя