Chap 23 / The First Mission Part 7

Start from the beginning

"This is not to make you pity me, but as the person i swore my loyalty and life to, i must give you all my cause and heart. For if i ever perish in this war, at least somebody knows in their heart and soul why am i doing this." Merry said, which made the King blink. He wouldn't 'pity' his men on things like this, actually he would be willing to share their pain, for he also lost a person who he is trying to protect in the thousands of citizens.

"I do not pity you. A parent losing their child is similar to losing the whole world. To see your child pick up a weapon and fight, really pains my heart. I only hope to see the world in peace where we will be able to live happily without worries. I want to give the people hope. I tried for so many times, as well as the predecessors, and i'm glad that our prayers have finally arrive." The King said in mixed feelings. He doesn't want to see his people, as well of others to be suffering. However, even if one would want so, if others do not wish to, a war is formed between.

"Very well. I shall tell you the tale of this prophecy." The King agreed at last. "In the lands of heat and fire, an immortal creature who seeks death crossed paths with a dying creature who wishes pain to the people. The two fought and having their blood on each other, their abilities mixed.
The immortality of pain and the pained death.
The both of them died with no pain, however because they receive no pain an never ending war filled with pain occurred that will last for hundreds or thousand of years.
Blood shall spill, tears are shed, life will end.
Even though pain and suffering is such an never ending cycle, DEATH will come and stop it all. Three people will come together with the three headed dog, a man of this world will cross path with a woman of another world, a traitor will be revealed but be stopped with friendship, somebody hidden will finally reveal itself, and all of them shall cease this war."

Merry listened carefully and analyzed what was just told to him. To be honest, he has a solid idea of who might those people mentioned are.

"I hope YOU can cease this war together with them, Nicolas Merry." The King said with a smile, Merry who was staring down while thinking looked up to the person he swore loyalty to and understand what he meant. "Yes, Your Majesty." Merry stood up from his seat then kneeled down on one knee with a fist on the ground, his heading lying low.

"Just make sure you won't kill them, alright."

Nicolas Merry looked up to see a closed eyed smile on the King's face, the 8th General has tears on his eyes about to go down. "I'll make sure to keep them all safe."


After the exchange between the King and him, he felt rather easy and relaxed like he was before his children died. His wish to have people he can lean and support on, to stop this war is confirmed. He can release some of his built-up stress, however he should still be cautious, after all everything was in HIS and the others shoulders.

A man of this world will cross path with a woman of another world.
That doesn't imply something like of from a romance novel. What it means is that, a man and a woman with their own goals, with those very goals shall cross towards each other. And that woman is,
Merry opened the door to the room in which he asked for her to wait, and see her sitting down on one of the sofas calmly while drinking something. "Retsu Unohana."

At the call of her name, she looked up from her cup and saw the gunner who eventually,.... shot her earlier. "My, Nicolas Merry-san. How are you? Did your chat with the King go well?" she said calmly, with a tone of familiarity as if they know each other for a very long time

"Enough with the chit chat." Merry said with a serious expression. He waited very long for this chance to come, he must do everything he can and give up everything even his life for the peace in his motherland.
"My, what a straightforward person." Retsu chuckled. "Even if you are so excited that 'The Prophecy' is here, you can't end the war today, nor tomorrow or the next. We must set up tactics and plans for this."

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