Byakuya, Toshiro, And Kenpachi's First Mission Part 2

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A/N From now on, i will be writing in 3rd Person's POV. Because i'm practicing on writing with that. But, i'll still use a person's POV once in a while.

As Toshiro walked away from the two, he stopped when Kenpachi said something. "You're weak."

Toshiro was shocked and moved his head slowly to look at him. It is clear even not looking at his face, and Byakuya is also quite shock, he knew he will say it sometime but never thought he would say it in this situation.

"I'm not a man of my word. So, why even trust me? I could kill you if i want, and you would just think that i wouldn't because were teammates or allies. You shouldn't trust someone like me. You know that."

Toshiro then looked away and resume walking. Kenpachi also went to another. Byakuya seemed to have no choice, but also to walk away. They already made it clear, the team's over.

Thoughts run in their minds as they walk.

Zaraki just walk boldly not even has a slight feeling of guilt of the words he said.
"He's a weakling. I'm only glad that Kuchiki is in the team so i could fight him anytime i want. But, that brat is weak. He would only get in the way. He's just a nuisance."

Hitsugaya felt mental pain because of what Zaraki said. Tears start to form in his eyes, as he wipe them off.
"I'm not weak! Yes, i am weaker than him but i'm not weak. I'm not that weak. I'll show it to him. .....Someday."

Kuchiki doesn't know what to do, for the first time in his life (Everybody's reaction : ⊙▽⊙). 
"What should i do? Should i just continue walking and let those two fix this themselves. No that's impossible. Should i fix this? This is not my problem, but i'm still caught up in this."

The three of them just continue to walk away, not knowing where to go. It should be the safest choice to stick together, but they disbanded.
As they were walking, they then remembered something important.

"You wouldn't be able to come back unless you finish the mission........As a team."
That's what the Head Captain said to the 12 Captains.

"Oh shit"

Plus, rain started to fall down.

"Could this get any worse?"

Byakuya then turned to the way he can feel Toshiro's reiatsu. It doesn't matter to him if he gets wet. However, there's something that would stop him from doing so.

Kenpachi decided to just wait for some opponents and doesn't care if he can't go back to the Soul Society or the rain will soak his clothes. He sat down on the grass, his zanpakuto at his hand, ready to fight anytime.
And his awaited opponent came in just a few seconds.
A grin was made on his face.

Toshiro just stood there letting the rain fall down on him. He punched a trunk of tree, out of anger and sadness. He didn't wipe his tears anymore. Well, if someone will see him they would just thought that water or dust just entered his eyes.
He was about to find Byakuya when a creature appeared.


"Looking for a fight?" They said to their respective opponent, as they hold the grip of their zanpakuto.

"I'm just waiting for ya, buddy." Kenpachi grinned ear to ear

"You're getting in the way, you filthy being." Byakuya said eyeing the creature.

"Well, you are unfortunate today." Toshiro started "'Cause i'm pissed off right now."


Kenpachi stood up as he looks at his opponent.
His opponent look just like a scorpion-man. A man with the hands of a scorpion and also having its tail.

"You look nothing special. But! I'll fight whoever is around!" Kenpachi exclaimed as he rushed towards his opponent, doesn't care if he is at a disadvantage or not. He just want to have a fight.

He aimed to slash his enemy, but his enemy dodge to the side. And his enemy attempted to use his claws on Kenpachi but kicked the creature.

"Eh?~ So, you really have something." Kenpachi smirked the fight will surely satisfy him.


Byakuya's opponent looks like a minotaur. Half-bull and half-human. Just by thinking what kind of creature he is, it is certain that this creature has strong punches/kicks.

Byakuya raised his reiatsu attempting to scare his opponent away, however, his opponent didn't even flinch.

"This will be a nuisance." Byakuya thought, as he unsheathed his zanpakuto from it's sheath.
"I prefer to end this fast." Byakuya held the hilt of his zanpakuto near his face and go shikai. But his opponent went towards his back and pushed him. As Byakuya expected it's punch is strong, he was sent flying a few meters away.
When he gained composure again, he has one knee on the ground and wipe the blood on his mouth.

"I think, i'm going to have trouble with you." Byakuya admitted to his opponent. As his opponent blew some air on his huge nose.


Toshiro faced a human as his opponent. His opponent look nothing special. But of course, he won't let his guard down.

Suddenly, his opponent screamed and wind so strong appeared. Toshiro didn't put an arm to cover his face, in fact, he just stood there. After the scream, his hair turned yellow. (A/N Haha. I got addicted to Dragon Ball this year. 😀)

"Hmm....How did you do that?" Toshiro asked trying not to get excited of seeing something he hasn't seen before.

"It is called Super Saiyan." His opponent smirked (This is not a DB Character. But if you want i'll change it into Goku or whatever.)

"Super....Saiyan...." Toshiro muttered. "Well i don't care either way."

"How about you?" His opponent started. "Have any surprising transformations?"

"Yes. But i won't show it to you." Toshiro said

His opponent smirked.
"Interesting. It makes me want to see it more."

The surroundings became colder, and some things around froze.

"I assume this is your ability?"

"Correct. But i just discovered this technique just a few days ago." Toshiro said. "And i think i'll try to use it in combat. Though it's my first time using this." He said his eyes changing. (A/N The changing of his eyes is just an imagination of mine. 😂)

"Oh? Is that so? Well it's my pleasure that i'd be the first one to get a taste of it. But.....It's a shame that it won't win against me....*smile with close eyes* Well, for now."

"I don't think so." Toshiro said back and a mixture of blue and white aura surrounded him.


That's It For This Chapter

I'm still waiting for votes. I forgot how many people voted, though. 😜.

The next chapter will be ; Shunsui, Jushiro and Unohana's First Mission Part 3.

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To Be Continued

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