Aim Low

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5/19/20 - 5/21/20

Sonic dashed through the forest on high alert with you held tightly in his arms. His communicator still blinked rapidly on his wrist, a high pitched ringing coming from it. "Just answer it already!" You told him, playfully rolling your eyes.

"What's the point?" He smirked before skidding to a stop. "We're already here!"

When the ground shook, you turned to see Team Sonic already hard at work fighting some kind of large robotic scorpion. "Well, forget I said anything, then." You joked as the hedgehog gently placed you on your feet before dashing into battle.

Both surprisingly and unsurprisingly, the bot was taken down in three seconds flat once Sonic had entered the scene. It's head exploded when Sonic used his spin dash attack. "You may have defeated my Scorpionbot, but I've got one more trick up my sleeve!" Eggman howled from as his Eggmobile came to land on the ground.

He stepped out and pressed a button on the controller on his wrist, and the gang watched as a large satellite came rolling into view. It's large tired tramples everything in its path as it did so. Once it came to a halt, its energy level screens began to glow. "Just give it a sec. Needs to warm up."

Of course, Sonic isn't one for waiting, especially since waiting in this instance would only cause more fighting and further damage, so he wasted no time in using a spin dash on the satellite device as well. That, too, exploded on impact. "Still waiting on that 'trick.'" The hedgehog sang in a cocky tone.

You expected Eggman to growl out some kind of final threat or curse, if not send in another wave of his robots although smaller. However, that wasn't the case, and the gang was nothing short of appalled when the man simply frowned, sulked his way back to his Eggmobile, and took off without another word. "Well, that's kinda depressing." You muttered.

"Is it just me or is Eggman not been bringing his A-game lately?" Sonic asked everyone, still watching the evil villain slowly fly away.

"Maybe our A-game makes his A-game look like a Z-game!" Knuckles suggested confidently with a smirk. "Oh, that's much worse if you understand the alphabet. Isn't it?"

Tails sighed, ignoring his teammate. "It does kinda feel like Eggman is just going through the motions."

You smirked to yourself with a small giggle. "Just like me on exam week."

"Exam week?" Amy asked, tilting her head in confusion.

"Yeah. Back at home, when I was in school, we always had to take final exams." You put your hands on your hips and stretched your back, bending backwards slightly to do so. "Oh, they suck. They just keep on coming, and all you can do is keep throwing yourself at them all for nothing."

Sonic waved his hands dismissively as he walked closer to you. "Wait, wait. Hold up. Are you sympathizing with Egghead?"

You hummed with a small smile. "No, not really. Just making a connection, that's all." Ruffling thr fur in the top of his head, you joked, "Why? Would you be jealous if I cared for someone else's emotions?"

The blue hedgehog scoffed and physically brushed off your comment, but everyone could easily notice his embarrassment when he stuttered, "N-No! Not at all!" The gang simply laughed at his flustered response, knowing very well that he had just been accurately called out.


A few days passed, and Team Sonic was surprised to admit that, for some reason, Eggman's newer attacks were much different. They all had a new pizazz to them, and they had much more life and thought than a mere robot ambush. As Amy perfectly claimed it to be: "Eggman's been a lot more creative lately. Don't you think?"

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