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You didn't care what happened. You didn't care who begged you. You didn't feel upset, nor had any regrets. You were leaving your home, your family, your friends, everything. It was just you and any luggage you had packed the night before.

Currently, you were cruising around the wide ocean of the Earth as a passenger of a small boat. You, with the money your parents had set aside for you for college which would never be used for such considering your had just dropped out of school, paid a boatman to escort you to any small island with little information known, let alone any record. One whose location wasn't easy to find, and one whose name had never been heard of.

"Miss, we're almost there!" The man called out to you. You rose from the bench on which you sat and looked to the horizon, seeing a small island. From where the boat currently stood and the direction you were facing, you saw about three or four mountains with snowy peaks. The majority, however, were thick forests of lush, medium green trees that slowly turned into bushes and further grasses, all stopping at the sandy shores. There was also a surprising amount of rocks scattered everywhere. Well, that was an understatement. You were almost certain that near all of them were boulders.

"Interesting...." You whispered to yourself, grabbing your belongings. "I wonder what it's name is. That is, if it even has one."

Within the next few minutes, you were dropped off at the shore. "Thanks, sir."

"No problem miss, but if I may ask, why so secretive of a place?" He, in a pale yellow, long sleeve turtleneck with blue jeans and brown shoes, stroked the slight stubble on his chin, which was the same color as his ginger hair. Though, from his age, you noticed it was beginning to gray.

"No reason. Just want to get away from a typical lifestyle." You shrugged slightly.

"Well then, this is the place!" He smiled, causing his blue eyes to shimmer.

"But if I may ask," you started with a little humor before regaining your serious composure, "If it's so secretive, how do you know about it?"

"That's for me, and only me, to know." He, with a longing tone of past memories evident in his voice, smirked at you in a playful manner. "Have a great time, miss! And stay safe!"

"To you, too, Chris!" You smiled with a small wave, and you watched as he turned the boat around and began to sail away.

Holding your bags and the handle of your suitcase and everything else you brought along, you began to walk aimlessly into the forest of the strange island. It was very quiet, with not even a bird chirping nor a slight breeze. Everything was calm and perfectly still....which was still strange. Was there not any lifeforms residing on the island? No people? No animals? Peculiar, indeed. But no matter! As long as there was a way for survival, you would be fine.

You actually didn't even walk for too long, considering the the island was already much bigger than you anticipated when you viewed it from the boat. It was probably a half hour, maybe? A little less, or a little more.... Anyway, it hadn't been long before you came across a village. And there was no denying it, you were more than shocked to see animals. Not just that, but they all walked on two legs! Foxes and wolves and beavers and just, wow! They seemed very humanlike, both in behavior and even appearance, just with their respective traits like fur and tails and such. Why, some were even wearing clothes! Now this was weird.

You walked into the village, occasionally receiving a quick glance from some of the animal population, but you figured it might just be because you were human. As a matter of fact, you hadn't seen a single human yet. You couldn't possibly be the only one, right? To be honest, you actually hoped you were. You never really liked people. One could easily say that you weren't too good at people-ing. The less humans the better, in your opinion.

Sonic Boom x Reader (DISCONTINUED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें