My Fair Sticksy

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Meteors. Out of any possible thing that could happen in this island, it just had to be a meteor shower. Everyone was scrambling in panic, screaming and crying. It was quite chaotic in the village. You, with the gang, were simply watching everything as it went along.

"Meteors are shooting stars. We shouldn't be running. We should be making wishes!" Amy squealed. "I wish for a pony!"

"And I wish you'd take cover." Sonic said hastily, grabbing her wrist as everyone ran for cover. You looked back to see a meteor land where you guys had just been standing. It really is dangerous here.... Why hasn't anything been done yet?

Now 'protected' by the underside of a building, Amy whined, "How come your wish came true?" Sonic just smirked.

"If anything, I just wish that this whole thing will stop soon." You said, folding your hands behind your head in a relaxed position.

"Should I use my meteor defense system?" Sticks asked.

"You have a meteor defense system?" Tails asked, just as dumbfounded as you were.

"I have defense systems for all sorts of junk. Wildfires, floods, people trying to read my thoughts-"

"Yeah, start with the meteor one." Sonic told the badger.

She climbed onto her machine and took aim, pulling a lever to activate the system. Wooden paddles, almost like racquets of sorts, popped up all over the village. Each one swatted away an incoming meteor until there were none left to stop. It was actually pretty handy, surprisingly.

"Even her wish came true?" Amy fumed, pointing at you. She was really getting into that superstition.

Everyone ignored her as Sticks said, "The 'people trying to read my thoughts' one is exactly the same, but with tinfoil trim." She smiled.

"Good job, Sticks." You smiled, and with that, you all began to head back to the shore.

By this point, everyone-aside from Sticks-was hanging out in Tails's shack. Knuckles and Tails were relaxing on the couches, Amy was reading a magazine, Sonic was drinking orange juice at the counter, and you were bored out of your mind. You sat next to Sonic, intently eyeing a small ant as it scurried across the countertop. Ants had never been more interesting until now.

"Having fun?" Sonic asked you with sarcasm.

"Having the time of my life!" You replied with the same amount.

He chuckled as put his gloved hand over the ant, blocking it from your sight. Not wishing to become any more bored, you tried to pry his hand away, but you really underestimated his strength. You almost got it out of the way, but you weren't strong enough.

"Give up yet?" Sonic asked, teasing you with a fake yawn.

You slumped your shoulders and leaned over, resting your head on its side in the counter. "Yeah. I'm too lazy for this." You closed your eyes, not questioning Sonic's sudden silence. You didn't see him staring at you, smiling as he watched your peaceful form inhale and exhale in rhythm until Sticks burst through the door.

"Someone left this at my house." She held up an envelope.

"Yeah, the mailman." Sonic said dryly. "It's a letter."

Sticks sniffed it suspiciously, saying, "Letter, huh? I don't know. Paper folded over itself? What's it hiding? What's it hiding?"

Amy snatched the letter and opened it. Reading it over, she gasped as she declared, "Sticks, you've been nominated for an Awardy Award!"

"They really need a better name for that thing." Tails said sarcastically.

"Well aren't they just creative?" You sneered. "I bet they're so proud of themselves." Sonic chuckled at you.

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