I snorted. "No."

Although I did think Chris was a genuinely decent guy, I didn't seem him like that. He wasn't arrogant or cocky like Aiden. He was nice. There was a chance I was starting to see him as a friend, but nothing more. I mean I barely knew the guy.

"If you say so."

I rolled my eyes. "I do say so. Chris and I are just friends."

I quickly downed the rest of my smoothie.


Aiden was late.

Twenty-two minutes late to be exact.

The corners of my lips twitched down into a frown. My eyes darkened into a glare on Aiden as he finally made his way toward the ice. "You're late," I barked.

"Sorry," he grumbled. His face held a dull expression. "My dad wanted to talk."

My face softened. If his dad truly was the reason he was late, I couldn't hold that against him. Lance knew about our punishment, so their must have been a good reason for making him late.

"Whatever, let's just get started."

Aiden nodded in response before he changed into the pair of figure-skates that I had left on the bench for him.

I stayed in my spot on the center the ice as I watched him do his warmup. He seemed far more comfortable than I expected him to be. Like there was no major difference from his hockey skates. I just had to be patient; Aiden hadn't noticed the toe pick yet.

After a few minutes of letting him warm up, I skated over to the wall. "Are you ready to start?"

Aiden turned in my direction, let out a soft sigh as he started towards me. He skated over, skirted to a stop in front of me, intentionally spraying me with a wash of ice.

I frowned. It wasn't that he sprayed me with ice that bothered me, rather he used his hockey stop and didn't trip over his toe pick.

"Bring it on," he challenged. A wide grin swept across his features, causing my frown to deepen. Aiden seemed too eager for my liking. Figure skating was supposed to be a challenge. It was supposed to be torture for him. He was not supposed to try and challenge me.

"Today, you will learn how do a spiral."

I turned back to him, electing to ignore his challenging smirk. We weren't here to fight. This was supposed to be making us respect one another.

I placed my right hand on the wall. "A spiral," I explained, "is when you raise your free leg above your hip."

"You do this on the wall?" I whipped around to glare at him. It was obvious a diss was coming next. "Doesn't seem very hard."

And, there it was.

I let out a small huff of air. Dick.

He grinned, but listened to my instruction and put his right hand on the wall. He leaned down towards me, taunting me. "Now what?"

I bit down on my tongue. We had only just begun but I had already decided that teaching Aiden was much was than suffering through hockey.

"I'm starting you off on the wall so that you can learn proper positioning before attempting this while gliding across the ice." I dropped my voice, mumbled under breath, "We wouldn't want you to fall flat on your face, now would we?"

From the smirk on Aiden's face, I was positive he still heard me.

"Are you worried about me Lodge?"

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