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Normans POV**

The screaming turned out to be these kids that looked to be twins. They were running away from some monster thing. After they crashed into the tree the monster's attention went on me and Caroline and looked like it was about to eat us. Luckily the boy shot it with some sort of stun gun making it flop over on to the ground.
"Whew, now that was awesome!" Said the boy that saved us.
He looked to be around our I've 13 maybe 14 he had on a blue hood and a blue and white cap with a pinetree on it. 'he was kind of handsom' I thought to my self 'wait no what are you thinking he's a guy'. His sister was wearing a pink hoodie with a shooting star on it, a purple hair band and a skirt.
"Hey you guys ok" the girls said while reaching out to help us us.

"Hi! I'm Mable and over there with the book is my brother Dipper." Mable said
"Hi" Dipper said while he scribbled in his book.
"What are you guys doing here" Mable asked
"Oh we are here for the summer camp at the... Mystery.. Shack?" Caroline said
"Oh hey!" Dipper called out
"Our grunkles are running that so we live there, want us to show you around?"
"Sure! That would be great!" Coroline commented

As we were driving to the shack I looked over to see ag host with a trinagluar head next to Dipper. I wanted one of say something going but u didn't want them to be weirded out.
------at the shack------
"S**** we don't have any more rooms" Stan groaned
"Why don't they just stay in our room we have some spare blnckets and travle beds" Dipper added for the first time since he stunned the monster.
"Yea!" Mable pleaded
"Ok why not" Stan agreed
---------after the beds were set up---------
It was already 11:30 so Mable suggested we play truth or dare.
"Sure, that would be fun." Caroline stated
"Ok why not" I answered
"What about you Dipper?" Mable asked
"Huh, ok, sure, yah let's play." Said Dipper finally taking his head out of his book.
"I'll go first" Caroline stated
"Dipper, truth or dare?"
"Truth" Dipper repiled
Caroline pointed at Dipper's book and asked "Whats in the book?"
Dipper flinched a little when she said that. It made Caroline think it was a diary so she snatched it.
"What's in your diary Dipper?" She started to read and her smile turned into confusion.
"I can explian" Dipper murmered.
"Yes please do explian Dipper" Caroline retorted
"So last summer me and Mable went through some though things and almost died. I wrote everything down in this book I found in a secret compartment in the woods that had cool paranormal stuff in it. Close to the end of the summer (our birthday) the trinagle guy called Bill Cypher tired to kill everyone in gravity falls and take over the word but me and Mable saved everyone. So now me and Mable are like heroes in the town. The journal I found eventually ran out of page so I made my own book, which is what your holding." Dipper explainded.
"Woah.. that's so cool!" I said
"Me and Caroline are sorta special to"
"Really?!" Mable exclaimed
I replied by saying "yea Coraline (tells Coroline's button story) and I can see ghosts"
After I said that I could she ghost Dipper's eyes lit up
"YOU CAN SEE GHOSTS!" Dipper exidetly yelled.
"Yea.. oh and Dipper.. there's something I should tell you.." I muttered
"Yea what is it?" He questioned
Quietly I wispered "When we were in the golf cart I saw a guy with a yellow triangle head and a top hat floating next to you.."
Dippers smile faded and he quickly looked over at his sister not knowing what to do. He started to temble and his eye began to change into a yellow cat like ones. Mable looked over and told him "its alright Dipper we beat him one time we can do it again"
Those word seemer to calm him down. I put my hand on his shoulder and said "me and Caroline will be here by your side to, so you don't have to worry about doing this on your own"
He looked at me the cutest little smile and replied with a "thank you".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2020 ⏰

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