Amber Wisteria

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Name: Amber Wisteria

Age: A lady never tells

gender: female

Sexuality: straight


* Pale skin and blond hair

*sharp pircing eyes.

*Face Claim: Meryl Streep

School: Grandview Academy


*She is a cold, judgemental, and her eyes may seem imtaimating and may seem you might never be able to avoid them. 

*Don't bother trying to lie to her. She can read people easily, and can tell when someone is lying. She reads body language, but many have claimed she can read minds.

*Her knowledge of people and how to deal with people, has helped her be able to tell what a challenger motive is to be apart of the competion after the first challenge.

* she is rude as fire if you talk about her fellow Judges, especially if you don't have any evidence in a bad way, but when you are talking about the fellow challengers, you can talk bad in priviate, but never in public.

* though her child hood was rough and she concentrated on studying and politics.

* You tick her off, you are very close to getting slapped in the face.

Strengths: Telling lies from truths. Public Speaking, and controlling her temper. She is good at creating and winning debates.

Weaknesses: Very blocked up and rude. She seems to be disliked by everyone, and she always feels a little haunted.

Background: She was born in ×××× year, and she was a single child. Her mother ran away after she was born, and her father was a drunk. As she grew up, she had a rough lifestyle and worked for hours studying to get away from her horrid life. She was excited when she was accepted into Greenveiw Academy. She worked hard, training to be the best in the Academy. When she was chosen for the Challenge she was sure she would work to win. She used the challenge as a way to get away. She won the Challenge, though no one truly knows how, except her.
As she grew from her immorality, she watched as her past life died. She didn't shed a tear when her father died. She moved on from her old life, taking in Behavioral Analyze, and she became an expert, being able to read almost anyone.

"No thief, however skillful, can rob one of knowledge, and that is why knowledge is the best and safest treasure to acquire."
"Knowledge is power. Power to do evil...or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil"
"People would rather live in a community with unreasonable claims, than face loneliness with their truth"
"Matured people look for good reasons to bless, immature people look for bad reasons to curse"

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