Kristìn Marian Finmen

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Name: Kristìn

Nickname: Kirsty

Role: Queen

Personality:  She is a sweet, kind mother and queen. She is very close with her husband and she is very calming for him. Many times she believes that she is the only person who her husband trusts. She seems to know what is best for her children and is very protective of them. She is fairly open and will gladly talk to the selected. She is an all around motherly figure. She has the best interest in her kingdom but if it came to her family or the kingdom she would save her family. She puts a huge trust in her husband's ruling but there are points where she will put her thoughts in. Can confidently run a meeting, banquet and a formal party. She is a very good speaker and tries to comprise to get everyone what they need and want.

• charcoal black hair curled at the end.
• length is at the hips but is usually in a braid down the shoulder or in a French braid.
• hazel green eyes
• light fair skin-pale ivory
height 5'8"

Favorite color:purple
Favorite flower: Lily
She traveled before becoming pregnant as a diplomat to each of the provinces to speak and see what the kingdom looked like.
She is well read but would rather be reading a fantasy book than a book on the history of the country.

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