Ithlinne Mariane

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Name: Queen Ithlinne Mariane

Age: 40

gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Role: the queen


* Pale skin and silver/blond hair

*sharp pircing eyes.

*faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried


*She is a cold, judgemental, and her eyes may seem imtaimating and may seem you might never be able to avoid them. 

* she is rude as fire if you talk about her son, the crown prince, in a bad way, but when you are talking about her step-son, you can talk bad in priviate but she will still be protective in public news.

*if you stay long enough, her heart wil open, but even with her own family she is secretive, but loyal.

* though her child hood was rough she has love for her family. (her true Family)

* Because of her background she is not rude to her servants, but if you happen to tick her off or mess up, you have one more chance before you will be hurt.

backstory: She was a lady of the Imperium clan before. One day she accidentally ran into the princess of the clan,and since she was just outside before playing with the snow, got the princess wet. The princess brust, and forced ithlinne to work as a servant under the cook, so Ithinne got burned for each mistake she made.  Years after this, her father got a huge sumom of money from the king, and Ithinne was then given a torture treatment and her mother tried to mold her into a hard rude woman. This worked well, though Ithemme in her heart still has love for her family.

power: Mind reading, telekinesis, and ability to transmit thoughts to others.

shifted form Ice dragon

quote: "Words can lie. See beyond them."  Victoria Aveyard   

roleplay example: Ithemme Walked into the woman's Room and was welcomed with many bows from the maids who were preparing the for the selected. She then tapped the head maid and said "right there, the mirror, straighten it before The selected come." It wasn't a question, it was a order.  She then went to her daughter, and said "you must behave for this or our clan will be lost."  She sworn she saw her daughter shrink down, she grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her daughter to stand straight she muttered "Lazy" and after double checking the room, walked out, her heels thundering on the ground.

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