Catherine Anne Shine

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Catherine Anne Shine

Used for dating roleplays

Age: 20


sexuality: could be pansexual (never thought about it) but is mainly straight.

Face claim Alexa Davis
Occupation: I have been working at different schools to study music and performance.
How did you here about us? My sister liked to have her own space and it just wasn't happening. In my college dorm, my roommate was bring in boy after boy but they were all jerks. When I went to the high school that I was student teaching at and saw half of the kids dating, I finally said I wanted to stop being alone in life.
Hobbies; playing music, reading mostly fantasy, sketching OCs (not kidding) and singing.
likes: music, peaceful nature, drawing, did I mention music.
dislikes: I hate drama, I mean it takes up a lot of time so why use it. And dark forests, There creepy and full of monsters. Plus pressure, It scares me at points.
what do you look for in a potential partner?
I would want to be with someone who isn't afraid, but can come and comfort me and if we had any, offspring. I am pretty calming so if they had any secrets I could take it well.
How would others discribe you?
They would say I am nerdy, and quiet, but understanding to a lot of things. They would also say I'm very stubborn.
Tell a little about your self: I am one of those girls who are hard to impress. I am really smart though but it shy of people are trying to convince stuff. I am also stubborn since once I have my mind set on something I do it. I don't cry often but if I do it's probably for a reason surrounded by drama.
Traits features you find a attractive? Selflessness, caring for others, a little taller then me, green or blue eyes!

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