Lucian blinked calmly before suddenly bringing back his fist and punching Nick. The sharp knuckles caught his mouth, cracking a tooth in the process.

Nick stumbled backward and into the chairs against the wall. They clattered loudly as they bounced on the tile floor and scattered around his fallen form. Nick pursed his lips, spitting out the pool of blood in his mouth.

He didn't get much time to recover, for a leather shoe came forward and kicked him underneath his jaw, sending his head backward and into the wall.

Nick groaned, blinking rapidly to clear the wetness in his eyes. He gave a gasp as a hand bunched around his collar and pulled him forward. Lucian's face hovered near his own, clouded with abhorrence and hostility.

"I'll let that disrespect pass today. Not only did I encourage it, but you haven't had any sleep." Lucian pulled back his top lip and exposed his teeth. "But don't you ever talk that way about Afton. I will never tolerate such words again, even from his fucking brother."

Lucian released Nick's collar with a shove before standing back up. He readjusted the box underneath his arm and continued staring levelly at Nick. Down the hall, a few nurses came jogging over at the sound of the scuffle.

"I admit, the more I interacted with him, the more of a target he became. But don't forget that the Contis were a mean force in Italy and New Jersey before my father. You like to ignore that fact, don't you? You like to keep it silent from Afton. But your grandfather was a cruel bastard who raked up his own share of enemies."

Nick watched as the underboss turned and disappeared in Afton's room.

Breathing in anger, he shook off the nurse's offered hands.


I ignored him when he entered.

My father had been speaking lowly about school, impressed with my grades.

I hadn't told him about my intentions of changing my plans for school, if I had mentioned it, I would break this... spell. After what happened last night, I could see the tension around his eyes and mouth. His posture leaned toward me, a subconscious gesture of protection.

"Mr. Romano," my mother's voice shattered the quiet atmosphere.

"Mrs. Conti," Lucian started, "would you mind if I sat with Afton for a few minutes?"

My parents stood up in answer. On their way out, my father patted my knee, a nonverbal promise that he would be back. As soon as they exited, a box landed onto my lap. I eyed it without touching it.

"You know I don't like it when you treat him like that," I remarked dully.

I had heard the scuffle in the hallway, and had seen Lucian punch my brother.

"Who?" He later scoffed before sitting in the chair next to my bedside. "Your idiot brother?" Lucian sniffed, feigning nonchalance, but I could tell by the tension around his eyes that he was still upset. "He deserved it this time."

I reached forward with one hand and played lightly with the box on my lap.

It was light in weight but larger than a typical box of chocolate. At any rate, I was glad Lucian wouldn't be getting me any chocolates or flowers. Then again, a Mafia underboss probably wouldn't like to be seen carrying a bouquet of colorful flowers to my room. I hate flowers. Chocolate on the other hand... that was acceptable.

"You know he is only worried."

"Look at me," Lucian demanded sharply. His hand curled around my arm, tugging me forcibly in his direction. Luckily, it wasn't my wounded shoulder. "I hate it when people stick their noses in our damned business. Your brother, my father. Fuck them."

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