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Thomas was standing outside of the closed door. Through the window he saw the two siblings hugging each others.  They were crying, he could see the tears streaming down their faces. He didn't know what they were talking about but he could imagine. He saw Newts eyes often glance towards the corner of the room; the boy looked terrified. Thomas guessed that he was staring at the monster. The monster that only Newt could see. Thomas wanted to go in there but he knew that they needed the alone time. After all, Sonya was pretty much saying goodbye to her brother. 

Suddenly Brenda stood beside him. "You really like him, don't you?" She glanced up at him and bit her lip. 

"He is something special," Thomas whispered, not tearing his eyes away from the boy on the other side of the room. Sonya just said something and he saw the blonde laugh. Even though he was smiling, Thomas could still see the broken stare in the blondes gaze.

"You know that there isn't a way for him to survive though, right?" Brenda continued. Even though her voice sounded sad Thomas couldn't help but hate her at the moment.

"Can't we do anything to helo him when he goes into stage four?" Thomas asks, his voice sounded way more desperate than he had intended it to be.

Brenda sighed. "All we can do is to keep him heavily medicated. But others than painkillers and his other ones...there is no wat," she stared down at her hands. "We can't help him unless we find a cure,"

Thomas swallowed hard and tried to blink away the sudden burning sensation in his eyes. He took a deep breath and was right about to walk away when the sound of coughing made a chill run through his spine. At first he thought that he had imagined it but then Brendas hand was on his arm. "Thomas, something's wrong!" Brendas voice sounded suddenly very tense. Thomas looked up into the room and suddenly he could barely breathe. Newt was leaning over himself on the bed, a hand pressed up against his mouth trying to stiffen the coughing. Sonya was sitting beside him, she had a hand on his back and the other one was holding in his hand. She looked terrified. When Newt lifted his hand away from his mouth Thomas could see something drip from his lips, blood.

It didn't even take a second before he had opened the door and both he and Brenda stormed inside. Sonya looked utterly terrified and her hands were shaking even more than Newts was.
Thomas attention turned to the boy when he once again started to cough and even more of the crimson liquid dripped down from his mouth. Thomas had no idea what to do but luckily Brenda seemed to finally know what was going on.

"What's happening?" Sonya asked and climbed away from the bed so Brenda could get yo Newt.

"This is normal for stage three," Brenda said through gritted teeth. All Thomas could do was to helpleddly watch Brenda check Newts pulse and holding a hand on his forehead, checking for fevers.

"What's h-happening," Newt coughed out. His lungs protesting.

"This is normal," Brenda said more kindly this time. "Sometimes if the sick person is feeling very stressed the virus could start attacking the painkillers. This could cause too much pressure on a blood vein so it bursts, often it's very closed to the throat and that is why he was coughing up blood. It's not something dangerous but I need to sedate you Newt, okay?" Her voice went from a bit harsh to soft and motherly in a matter of seconds. Newts eyes were unfocused but he nodded. Brenda pulled up a syringe filled with a clear liquid from her pocket and in one swift motion she injected it into his arm. It didn't take long before the blonde haired boy closed his eyes and Brenda guided him down in th3 mattress.

"Why did you have to sedate him?" Sonya asked. Brenda sighed and rubbed her forehead.

"If he continues to cough he can get a bigger wound and it can get infected or maybe something even worse will happen. Now the wound is still small and he just had to fall asleep so he wouldn't make the wound bigger," Sonya nodded.

Brenda looked up at the clock on the wall. "I'm really sorry Sonya but it's after 8 pm, visitings hours is over," Sonya only nodded, too shocked to even talk. Brenda put a hand on her shoulder and guided her out of the room. Leaving only Thomas and Newt left.

"Stop worrying," Thomas jumped when he heard a vouce coming from the bed. Newt still had his eyed half open, he was still awake. Thomas had been sure that he was asleep.

"I can't do that," the brown haired boy  said and sat down next to the blonde. "I care about you Newt,"

Newt swallowed. "It would've been better if you'd never met me," he mumbled. " Now you have to lose me too,"

"Newt I am happy that I met you!" Thomas said. He grabbed Newts clod hands. "These last few weeks have been greater than anytging else this week. You're my friend Newt, not just my patient. I love spending time with you!"

Newt blinked but didn't say anything.

"I just hope that you don't regret meating me," Thomas whispered. Newt shook his head. "No!" He said. "I don't regret meeting you Tommy! Without you this hospital would've been hell! You're the only one I actually want to see during the day, except Sonya, but even she can get on my nerves,"

Thomas smiled sadly. "I know," he whispered. "You should get some sleep,"

Newt continued to stare up at Thomas. His eyes getting heavier and heavier.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Thomas continued before walking out of the room. He could almost feel the tears already slipping down on his cheeks.

Outside Brenda stood, waiting.

"What?" Thomas asked, his voice cracked.

"Do you know what couching up blood means?" She asked. "Other than the reason I already said?" Thomas shook his head.

"It means that there will only be a few hours, sometimes days, until the patient goes into stage four!"

Thomas felt his heart break. He looked back up into the hospital room where now the blonde boy was sleeping. In only three or four days he would be dead. Thomas couldn't hold the tears back any longer.

Here is a new chapter! I hope that you are enjoying this story and please leave a like or a comment if you do! :)

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