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The baby that had been left on the perfectly normal doorstep, of the perfectly normal No. 4 Privet Drive owned by the perfectly normal Dursley family, was in fact not perfectly normal. He was a wizard. Harry James Potter, son of James Potter and Lily Potter neé Evans, was that baby. His loving parents had been murdered by the Dark Lord Voldemort the night before, leaving the fifteen-month old child orphaned.It was a cold night in November, the sort of night that makes you want to curl up in front of a fire with a book and hot chocolate. The poor child on the doorstep was close to freezing to death, his only barrier against the elements, a thin blanket.

Two people, all dressed in black from head to toe, on their nightly walk decided to take a trip down a road that they had never gone down before. Now, these two people weren't perfectly normal. The couple were in fact Morticia and Gomez Addams. Now, I know what you are thinking. What are the Addams Family doing so far from home? Well, they were visiting the graves of their British family, because to an Addams, family is everything (even if they are six feet under).

The couple stopped at the corner of the road and looked into each others eyes, suddenly they heard a baby's cry, bringing them back to reality. They rushed down the road towards the noise. There lying on a stone doorstep was a baby younger than their daughter Wednesday. The baby was none other than our very own Harry James Potter, Morticia's mamma bear side instantly awoke.

"Gomez, look!" Morticia cried running towards Harry "What sort of monster would leave a child to battle this harsh weather alone or at all. We must do something!"

"A monster called Albus Dumbledore apparently" Gomez responded, disgust dripping from every syllable "My love, come, let us return home, bring the child, this letter confirms that these people have no knowledge of this baby and I have a feeling that our little Wednesday would like a little brother....."

"My boy, my darling baby boy, Mummy's always going to protect you. My baby Pugsley"

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