Le Message

Daddi : Good morning Dolly get your ass at the bar no one is here so bring the kiddos mission bout to start.

(Y/n): Ohhhh Dib Dab sending good morning messages, your so sweet it crazy your a villain. I'm on my way, lets hope we don't die.

Daddi: Shut up sawty I'm not sweat and your not gonna die, get going we don't have all day.

(Y/n): I'M NOT THAT SHORT YOU ASSHOLE, I got it I'm coming.

Daddi: You'll be cumming tonight ;) 

(Y/n): SHUT UP!


Back to le story

I walk up to the red door letting go of Rays hand to turn the door nob, pushing it open. Quike to get ahold of the boys hand again. 

"Miss.(Y/n) it so good to see you, Dabi said you would be co-" 

He stops  to look to the children, studding them. The looking back at Dabi who just shrugged acting like he was too cool for school and then he looked back at me dead in the eyes. 

"Miss.(Y/n) I must ask why you have three addora- children with you?" 

I smirk internally knowing the kids are all ready under his skin, if we're lucky it might work. 

"Well my dear bar tender, these are my siblings, Ray, Emma and Phil. There are homeless like me and I didn't what to leave them on the cold streets so I brought them here to stay." 

I muster the biggest puppy dog eyes I could, praying to god that he will say yes. Emma and Ray catching my drift on the eye thing and doing it too, Phil not knowing what the hell is going on.

"(Y/n) you do know this is a villains league not a daycare? And knowing children they look up to heroes not people like us. Shigaraki will kill them if they are seen."

Giri said to me as if I was the dumbest person in the world, but to me his response was the green light. I smirk letting Phil down, who was getting restless on my back.

"You got it all wrong mister smoke man. We don't like  heroes, they hurt Big sis (Y/n) and left us with no food. Please let us stay, please? It's so scary out there, we're so strong that Raki guy can't hurt us, so please." 

Phil said pulling on his pant leg with big watery eyes begging him. I'm so sorry, your screwed Giri. No one can resist Phil's eyes not me, you or even Dabi can. This plan was going to work and I knew it, Phil knew it, Emma knew it, Ray knew it and Dabi knew it with a smirk on his face. Kurogiri was silent for a while, thinking if he should let them stay or let them go. 

"*Sigh* Very well Miss.(Y/n) they can stay in your room, I will make sure that Shigaraki will not know about this and they will stay safe."

He said picking up Phil from the ground in a motherly fashion, the cutest thing ever. 

"Please follow me children, and (Y/n) I will show you to your new room. Dabi if you hurt the children in any way I will have no chose but to hunt you down." 

Kurrogiri said while sending a death glare at the blue eyed boy who was quietly following, he put his hands up in surrender trying not to get killed by an angry mama.   

"Here we are! I will have to make a few adjustments for our extra guests but this is your new room. I'll be on my way to get the supplies, Dabi behave yourself and children make yourself comfortable."

Giri said putting Phil down, stepping through a portal he had made. Diapering to wherever. The room was 1000 times nicer than the isolation room, for starters it was way bigger and cleaner. There sat a massive black and white bed in the center, dark gray walls and  a black desk in the corner of the room. This room was so big there was a  walk in closet filed with clothes.

Emma, Ray and Phil sprinted towards the bed never seeing one so big. They jumped up and down almost reaching to roof, it was adorable to say the least. 

"Well well well how bout that Dolly, your plan worked. I'm glad you pulled it off." 

Dabi said leaning into my face noses almost touching, then pulling away chuckling and looking back at the kids having the time of there lives. 

"Of course I did they diverse it more than anyone in the world, and you have to stop getting so close without a warning." 

I continue on, getting a smirk from him. The kids paying no mind to us, too involved with the new room. 

"Nope not happening, your too cute when you blush. I had full faith you could do it little Dolly."

 He said ruffling my hair making me growl, not liking my hair all crazy. I push his arm away while looking the other way pouting. I couldn't stay serious for long, I star to smile and giggle hearing him fake begging for forgiveness. 

"(Y/n) come play with us! The bed is so fluffy and soft!!!" 

Emma said dragging me away from the older boy. 

"You too Big Bro! Come have some fun!!!" Phil did the same as his orange head older sister, Ray finding his voice.


All the kids cheering in union. We spend hours just playing with the kids, having pillow fights and such. 

It was around 1 in the morning when I got the kids to lay dawn and sleep, they were taking up the whole bed leaving no room for me. I was not about to move them, they were too cute so I just stood there looking at them. Giri came by already but had to get the room set of later cause Crusty needed something. So here I was left without a bed tired from no sleep the night before and playing pillow fight all day. 

I feel arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into there chest. I felt hot breath on my neck sending shivers down my spine. 

"Poor Dolly left without a bed for the night, too bad you don't have a super good looking guy inviting you back to his room." 

Dabi said in my ear, making my heart rate spike through the roof. He starts to drag me out of the room to what I'm assuming to be his room. 'Your welcome Big sis don't get pregnant.' Ray said in his head, proud his plan worked but also grossed out. 

Halfway down the hall, he throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Putting his had a little too close to my ass. He opens a door walking into a room looking quite similar to mine, the difference is that his was a bit messy. I let out a quiet yelp as I am thrown onto the soft surface of the bed, by body going up and down a little due to the force. 

Dabi climbed onto the bed beside me, hugging me close. "

D-dib Dab wh-what are you doing?"

I say with my face on fire, having the boy so close to me. 

"Cuddling, now shut up and go to sleep I'm tired." 

He said digging his face into the back of my neck, inhaling my scent. 


I say as I fall asleep too exhausted to keep my eyes open. 

"I love you (Y/n)" 

And then I slip into the darkness of sleep.

'Did I hear that right?'      


Word Count: 1990        

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