Your No Mother

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Bold is venom talking 


 "So (Y/n) are you super exited for your first mission!" 

Toga says throwing herself onto my back almost making me fall on my face if Dabi wasn't there to catch me. After muttering a small thank you, we continue down the hall towards the new room Crusty dusty is isolating me in before I get to do my test of faith. 

"It's not a mission you Yandere vampire, it a test for boss to see what she can do, and to see if she's as good as she says." 

Dabi said as he opens the door to the room I will be imprisoned in for the next, how ever long it takes to get the info. Waking into the small room  I see a twin sized bed with the thinnest blanket I have ever seen, in the corner under a window with dark curtains. On the right of the bed there was a wooden desk barely standing up, and a dresser across the bed.

 Plopping myself on the bed knowing I'm gonna be here for a wile, I cringing at how hard the mattress was, Toga left because she felt hut from the 'mean' words Dabi said. 

"So Dib Dab, how long am I gonna stay in this gross roo-

"This place is nasty as hell! When can we leave I'm hungry?" A vain popping on my head in say in pure annoyance 

"Would you kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP, thank you."

I hope he will stop talking so I can think for once in my life, I hear a low chuckle from the blue eyed male leaning on the door frame. 

"To be honest I have no idea but hey, you get to spend some one-one time with this meal of a man right here." 

The patch boy says gesturing to his body looking as smug as ever. Laughing at him as I pat the spot beside me wanting him to sit with me. He walks towards me and lays on the bed eyes closed, on his back and arms behind his head for support. 

We were sitting in silence for a wile, it wasn't awkward or bad it was just a silence I needed from all this crazy stuff that happened. I'm snapped out of my mini trance when I heard the tall man beside me start to talk. 

"You gonna be ready for this 'test' thing Dolly?" He asked not opening one of his eyes, a frown sitting on his lips. 

"Of course I am, what do think I am weak, and would you stop call me that it annoying."

 I tisk at him trying to act though but really I terrified of what I'm gonna have to do, sure its not like I haven't done some bad stuff but still. 

"No it's funny when your mad and I know your not ready for this test, I can tell just by the way you say it." He says wile sitting up and looking at me dead in the eyes.

"If your nervous about the kids not being safe, take my word for it they can handle themselves, there not as fragile as you think they are." 

Rubbing my hair messing it up and a  small reassuring smile on his face. Swatting his hand away and patting my hair down so its not so messy, glaring playfully at him. About to comment back Mist dude walks into my room. 

"Miss. (Y/n) could you please come with me, Shigaraki has all the information ready for you." 

He said stepping to the side, gesturing out of the door so I can leave. I get up taking my leave, looking back at Dabi before I leave smiling.

"See ya Dib Dab, ill be a member next time you see me!" With that I leave the room, ready to get the info on this 'test'.                   

Stepping into the bar I see.... what was his name again, smoke dude said it, Shiga, Shishi, Siggy? Doesn't mater. He was sitting at the bar waiting for me to arrive so we could talk. 

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