Pillow Fight!

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Dis da room/ angel of the desk ^

Bold is Venom talking 


Well to put it simply I didn't sleep a wink that night... What the hell was it with that kiss it came out of nowhere, but it felt so nice. Wait wait wait did I just think, do I the (Y/n) like the sarcastic zombie Dabi? NO way I have never liked someone, sure he is a good looking guy and his sarcastic hummer is funny and he has a crazy good quirk, his eye are such a pretty blue that look like the ocean. I bet you his black hair would be so soft if ran my fingers through it, or if I ran my fingers down his bod- 

"You horny bitch stop thinking I can hear you, and really your thinking about that hot head? I'm RIGHT HERE! He's not that great." 

Venom says disgusted with my thoughts and pissed off that I'm not sleeping , he need the energy too. 

"Hey! I can think whatever I want, he's a sexy mother fucker I can't help it. " 

I yell at him in my head thankful no one else could hear me, they would be concerned for me. With all the thinking, I finally fall asleep.

My feet hit the concrete as I make my why to the villains bar. Emma was holding my right hand, Ray holding my left and cute little Phil on my back. It was a cold morning, my legs a little chilled from the wind but thanks to the black haired boys hoodie I was still borderline warm. I blush a bit when I remember that I'm wearing his stuff.

"Big sis why do you smell like Brother Patchy?" 

He said in the most child like way, my innocent boy... I see Emma and Ray look at each other with 'That' face. 

"Ya (Y/n) why do you smell like Big bro Dab Dab, is there something your not telling us?" 

Ray I love you but you are one sly little bitch, he was just smirking like he knew about everything. 'Well I am not telling them a lot of things' I say in my head, I also learned Venom likes to come out at the worst of times. 

"Ooooooo there on to you girl, I think you should tell the truth, if you know what I mean." 

I know he doesn't mean that fact that Dabi walked in on me showering, or that I'm wearing his clothes and kissed me. No that damn parasite means the orphanage situation and how I found our old mother, all that shit. 

"What is Nom Nom talking about Big sis, are you lying to us?"

Emma said with hurt in her voice ,she felt like she was betrayed. The others had the same look. 

"No no no I would never keep secretes from you! The reason why I smell like him is because I got all dirty when I was trying to find our other siblings. He gave me extra clothes so I didn't smell bad when I came to see you. You can leave now Parasite"

I finish off with a forced smile to reassure them I was telling the truth even if I was lying through my teeth. I might be the worst sister in the world but they can't know, it would break them. 


Venom said retracting into my body, all the kids waving bye to him. 

" Ok (Y/n) I believe you and I like Big bro Dabi, it's like he's here, you should marry him so we can be one big family." 

Phil you're so innocent your making me blush, Ray and Emma with wicked grins on there faces Shit they know, abort mission abort.

"You talk in your sleep Big sis, we'll help you out." 

Ray says winking at me, Emma giving me a thumbs up and Phil looking lost. 'Well shit...' we continue on our way to the bar. This was a bad Idea. Now I was going to convince mama Giri to let the kids stay. Thanks to Dabi's text I know that the bar is empty. Ya the league gave me a phone so I could communicate with them and Dabi put his number in and his name was just...... something.  

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