Ladonia's niece

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        Ladonia, was a quiet woman who loved to sit in the courtyard of her mansion. she either read or meditated but either way, she stayed silent. Laura, Ladonia's niece was taken to her when she was just a baby. Laura's family had died in a house fire, Ladonia was pleased to take care of her.
      Years later, Laura turned fifteen and started attending a public high school, because it wasn't as far away from the mansion as the other schools. Ladonia made sure her niece returned from school early always, she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her only remaining family.

"Aunty, I'm leaving for school now", Laura said to her aunt from the balcony opposite the courtyard. "Alright, take care and be back early dear", Ladonia replied and continued reading. She usually wore a white dress with a nice, white fedora seated on her head, you would hardly ever be able to see her face.
     While Laura was at school, she and her friends, Lilly, Kathy, Dillon and Michael decided to go check out the house that had huge black gates. Rumor had it that the house was haunted, they were very eager to find out. Immediately school was over, they rushed out together and proceeded towards Ladonia's mansion, because its road led to the house with black gates.
       The five friends let themselves in through the smaller gate, and they whispered in awe,"wow". The house was very far ahead but, it was worth the journey. They began to walk towards the house, it looked old and abandoned. Laura wasn't so sure if she could continue so she said, "you guys can go on, I'm gonna be on the look out". All four turned to look at her with slight frowns and Michael asked, "what's wrong, you scared or something?" Laura swallowed and nodded. They knew Laura so well, it was best not to push her, so they agreed to let her stay outside the house when they got there.
      Soon enough they reached the house, there were cobwebs everywhere and suddenly the temperature dropped. Kathy asked, "What's going on?" "Well let's find out", replied Dillon. The four proceeded into the house with Laura standing outside, she counted to one hundred and twenty, but her friends didn't show up. She continued counting and soon she heard screams, but those screams didn't seem to come from the living, they sounded unearthly...dead even.
Laura was too lily-livered, so she ran away. Soon after, she heard their running footsteps behind her. She just knew that something bad had happened to her friends in that house and those people after her were impostors.
      Laura reached Ladonia's mansion and began yelling for help, "aunty, there's dead people after me, they look just like my friends but they're not! Please call for help!!!" Ladonia didn't move a muscle, maybe she called her niece's bluff, her reason remains unknown. Laura hurriedly climbed the stairs and stood on the balcony of the seventh floor, the dead people came into the mansion and all hell broke loose. They destroyed glass, ceramic, almost everything and they began to climb up to the seventh floor where Laura was. She began to shiver and cry, she called out to her aunt one more time before she jumped over the balcony and held onto a drainage pipe.
     The dead people began to destroy the glass and the shards pierced and cut Laura's skin. Her flowing blood loosened her grip on the pipe and she fell storeys down, shards of glass continued to pierce and cut her. Slowly she fell and when she was about to land, she landed into the loving arms of her aunt. The force with which Laura landed caused she and her aunt to hit the ground, but before Laura let go, she saw her aunt's face and smiled. Ladonia whispered, "you'll be just fine".

If you listened closely, the dead people were gone and you could hear the sirens of an approaching ambulance.
It's all confusing I know, but that was all I could do, I'm just Ladonia's old gardener. It doesn't make sense to me either.

Thanks again for reading this story, it was really hard rewriting it. I hope you enjoyed it. Keep reading, lots of love ♥

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