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It's been a week since I spoke to any of the Pogues. I stopped by Pope's place with my father when he had to talk to his dad. Pope ignored my existence as he helped his father with the orders.

I stopped by The Wreck to speak with Kie, but all I got out of her was, 'what's your order?' I knew for sure Kie was the strongest and I wasn't going to get anything out of her. When I tried to explain what happened, she didn't even let me speak but instead called me plenty of names including: whore, slut, bitch, and a cunt. Wow, Kie was amazing with words, I'd tell you that.

The last place I stopped was at the Château to speak with JJ since I knew he'd be there. I knocked for about fifteen minutes but didn't receive an answer. I knew JJ was in the house, I could hear him walking around for a bit, but he ignored me. I would have just walked in, but also didn't want to overstep. JJ was hurt—and it hurt me to know that I was the one who did it.

I stayed cooped in my room, not even bothered to go to the water and even let my toes touch it. I felt like as if I didn't deserve it. Dad was worried about me, stating he hasn't seen me with my friends in a while. I told him about Topper kissing me and the Pogues thinking I two-timed them, not bothering to add details about how I felt specifically towards JJ. When Topper had stopped by to visit, my dad threatened to cut off his balls.

I sat in my window seat reading a book when my father knocked on the door asking to come in. "I need to go do some business in town—want to join?"

I shook my head. "I'll stay home."

"Honey, you need to get out of the house, I am worried about you." He stated worriedly.

"I'm fine dad." I shrugged. Dad nodded and walked off, leaving the house to myself.

It was currently 6 in the evening, and I was bored out of my mind, trying to keep my thoughts occupied with a romance novel, which only had me think about JJ. I was interrupted with a ding of my phone from a text chain saying there was a kegger at the boneyard hosted by the Pogues.

Of course, it was a text chain from the Kooks since I was somehow put into a massive group chat with them. The plan of the Kooks was to crash the party, but I just wanted to go to see JJ.

I went to my closet and picked out white shorts, a light pink tank and put a light grey jacket on top since the air was chilly tonight. I slipped on my light pink vans and cursed myself as I forgotten dad had the car. I ended up asking a random girl in the chat for a ride and she agreed.

When I arrived at the boneyard, I parted ways with any Kook I was with and gave myself a pep talk to speak with JJ. He was the one I wanted to talk to first, then maybe talk to Pope and Kie.

From a distance, I noticed JJ was filling people's cups with beer as Kie and Pope sat on a log conversating with some tourists and other Pogues, not paying any attention to JJ. I took that as a chance to speak with him.

Walking up to him, he hadn't noticed it was me since he didn't look up from pouring the beer. It was my shoes he stared at. "Want beer?" He asked.

"Yes." I said quietly and JJ whipped his head up to meet my eyes.

"Oh, it's you." He snickered.

"JJ, I need to talk to you, please." I begged.

"Beer or no?"

"I said yes." I replied and JJ handed me the beer. "JJ, please,"

"You're holding up my line." He said and continued to ignore me. He looked around me asking the next person, and I gave up, defeated. Well, defeated at the moment.

I walked over to the same girl I arrived with and sat next to her. I felt a chill over me and when I looked to my left, Pope and Kie were giving me a death stare so I quickly looked the other way, trying to focus on the Kooks.

Hours passed and majority of everyone was drunk out of their minds except me and a few others. I had only one beer as I refused to go back and ask JJ for a refill. Guys offered to refill for me, but I turned them down.

Topper arrived with his buddies and I did my best to ignore him, but it didn't last long. I walked over to the edge of the water, letting the breeze flow through my hair and give me chills through my body when I felt a hand wrap around my neck.

"Get off of me, Topper." I groaned.

"Oh, come on baby, you cannot ignore me forever." He smirked. "Having your dad to threaten me was really nice."

I gave him a disgusted look and threw his arm off of me. "It seemed to not register; do I need to ask him to do it again?" I snapped and went to walk away but Topper pulled me back into his chest.

"Don't try me." He whispered into my ear and as I went to push him away, he held his grip on me.

"Topper get off of me!" I yelled making sure to catch people's attention.

"Do we have a problem here?" It was JJ who asked that, and my heart skipped.



Both Topper and I said at the same time. Topper looked at me with a frown. "We do not have a problem here Pogue. Dakota here is just being a drunk and won't let me take her home."

I went to argue but JJ beat me to it. "She's only had one drink."

"I'm not drunk Topper, I just need you to leave me alone." I stated.

"You didn't want me to leave you alone last night." Topper lied straight through his teeth, obvious to get a reaction from JJ, which he did.

JJ went straight for a punch to Topper's face, landing and making Toppers lip bleed.

"You little," Topper began, and I went in between the two boys to stop the fight which ended up being a big mistake. It happened so fast, but Topper ended up punching me instead of JJ and instantly regretting it as I fell into the sand, holding my face. A few screams came out, either from others or me, I couldn't tell.

"YOU JUST HIT A GIRL!" I heard someone yell.

"DAKOTA!" I heard my name being yelled.

A few other muffled voices happened and screaming, but the right side of my face was aching that I was too focused on the pain.

"Dakota, are you okay?" It was Kie and Pope standing over me.

"JJ, where's, JJ?" I managed to mumble out before I screwed my eyes shut groaning.

"We need to get her out of here." Someone said.

"Dakota, stay with me." I heard JJ's voice speak softly. He caressed my face in his hands and I could smell his light cologne mixed with ocean water.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled out.

"It's okay, I'm gonna take care of you." JJ promised.

Mumbling, rustling, and feeling lightheaded was the light moments I could remember before I sure, blacked out from the pain. 

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