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Once the awkward conversation of me being from Nassau passed, Pope and I surfed, while JJ and Kie talked privately on the beach. Ten o'clock was coming in, and that's when I asked if they were still up to getting free food. They ended up following me home in their truck that Kie drove and when they arrived at my house, they all quietly got out.

"Nice house, Kook." JJ remarked. "Wonder what your room looks like."

"You'll never find out." I teased with a smirk. "This way." I told them and they followed me up the stairs to the front door.

I heard moving around in the kitchen and saw my dad was fixing plates. He looked up and a smile came right to his face. "I am so glad you're making friends!" he gloated. "You know, my daughter isn't the one to make friends."


"Sorry sweet pea." He laughed. "Anyway, I made plates for your friends. There's enough for each of them to take like 3 plates home."

"Don't have to tell me twice!" JJ spoke up and went straight to the kitchen. "Do you mind if I eat one now?"

"No! Go right ahead!" Dad beamed. "I'll be up in my room. Holler if you need anything."

My dad went up the stairs and Pope remarked, "your dad sounds so southern to be from the Bahamas."

"Well, he's originally from Louisiana, grew up there until he was about 17 then moved to the Bahamas."

"Yo, this food is so good." JJ said with a mouthful. "Pope, come check this out."

Pope walked over to JJ and opened up his own plate and began to eat. "And it's still warm?" He said out of shock.

"You deal with this?"

"All the damn time." Kie laughed.


The next morning came and I was woken up by a loud bang coming from outside. I sat up quickly in bed and looked out my window seeing it was my dad and he had banged a surfboard against the back of the house. "Dammit."

I laughed and went downstairs to my dad placing the surfboard up on the railing. "Need help?" I asked and my dad jumped.

"Oh, it was supposed to be a surprise!"

"I heard something bang against the house and looked out my window to see this. Don't worry dad, I'm still surprised!" I gave him a tight squeeze.

"I'm sorry I made you move here out of nowhere. I know you are missing your old friends back home, but I promise you, we will be back to Nassau in no time. Just working a bit more than I thought."

"Dad, are you here for more than just business with the hotel?"

He took a pause. "It's business."

"Why can't you tell me? Is it dangerous?" I whispered.

"We'll talk about it soon enough." He patted my shoulder. "Why don't you go hang out with those new friends of yours, huh? They seem nice."

"They're John B and Sarah's friends, too."

"So soon, Dakota?" Dad scolded.

"I couldn't help it." I shrugged. "They also know we're from Nassau, but they haven't figured out anything else."

"They better not."

"We have to get them to Nassau in a few weeks anyway! I'm trying to get their trust, so they don't get suspicious when I ask them to go on a quick vacation with us!"

Our own plans were far from being well thought out. I just knew, I had a mission and I was determined to complete it. Those three Pogues have to be in on the plan in order for everything to go okay. If they want their friends back, we have to trust.

"Just don't sleep with any of them, okay?"

I glared at him. "I won't." Little did he know, a part of me has planned on sleeping with one of the Pogues. Bad, I know.

I ended up back on the beach, this time remembering to wear a bikini underneath. When I got the surfboard off the back of the truck, I saw JJ and Pope sitting on the sand.

"What's up boys!" I greeted as I walked closer to them. "Anyone wanna surf?" I asked knocking on my board.

"Daddy finally got you one?"

"Sure did, Pope. Race you out there?" I suggested and Pope nodded.

We went into the water leaving JJ behind, but it wasn't long until Kie joined him. Whenever I watched them talk, I noticed whatever chemistry they had between them. The only confusing part is she kissed Pope and Pope confessed his feelings for her, so no telling how that's all going to go down.

"Are you and Kiara dating?" I asked.

"Uh, no, not really." Pope stumbled.

"What does that mean? You're either dating or you're not. there's no in-between in a relationship."

Pope swallowed. "There were feelings exchanged, but I think the hype is gone."

"Have you talked to her?" I asked and we both began paddling towards the wave.

"Kind of hard to talk to her about that with everything that is happening in our friend group."

Before I could ask what, the wave came, and it washed me out before I had time to stand up. Pope rode it effortlessly. I swam up from underneath with Pope full on laughing so I splashed water at him. "It happened so fast." I laughed. "What happened within your friend group?" I asked.

He hesitated. "You'll hear it sooner or later; two of our friends went missing at sea and still have not been found. It's been too long, so they're presumed dead."

"I'm sorry to hear that." I heard myself say. "How long did they look for them?"

"About a week. they left out when there was a big storm, but it was necessary."

"Pope, you don't have to tell me." I said. I didn't want any bad memories coming up for him, especially since I knew the truth about his friends—alive and well and still looking for the gold somewhere in Nassau.

We swam out to the shore and dried off with our towels. "Took you two long enough. Nice wipe out, Dakota." JJ laughed and I mocked him throwing my towel at him. "Throwing in the towel already, Dakota? Ready to hop on the JJ—"

"Please don't finish that." I held up my hand. "It's going to take a lot more than that to get me in bed with you."

"Do I need to get you flowers?" He snorted and I shrugged.

"Maybe." I laughed. My phone buzzed from my bag and when I looked at the message it was from my dad, saying he needed me home. "Have to go. Dad needs me home." I said.

"What, do you help him out with his business?"

"Sometimes, I do the math." 

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