V. A Proposal

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As the months passed, our routines solidified and we became increasingly complacent with our new lives. Jack enjoyed playing football with his friends and they regularly crashed at our home to watch games on the television.

Zara's friend group rarely came over; she went out during the majority of the week.

I spend an increasing amount of time with the Cullens, especially Jasper. Our relationship was complicated. He always seemed to smile at some point while we were together, but otherwise wore a pained expression. He made small gestures of compassion toward me: he would occasionally hold my hand, buy me lunch, tend to me if I got injured for some reason, and would call to check on my mental health. He took a great interest in my life, my interests, and hobbies, and I tried to do the same; however, he withheld information from me. I could tease out certain aspects of his life, but he kept many secrets. I struggled to understand his feelings for me; was he romantically attracted toward me? Was he being a gentleman and I misinterpreted his gestures?

I woke up on a Friday morning as usual. My feet hit the cold plank tile floor, burning on contact. I shuffled to the bathroom and turned on the shower to its hottest setting.

In dressing myself, I selected a pair of brown plaid trousers that exposed my ankles. I pulled on a pressed white dress shirt and put a brown sweater over that. I slipped on a pair of slim white shoes and slipped a gold watch over my wrist.

I glanced into the floor mirror I recently acquired and noticed that the trousers hugged my thighs and butt tightly.

Perhaps I should shop for some new pants, I thought to myself.

I walked out to find dishes flying about the kitchen.

"I made everyone breakfast," Zara commented, setting a plate down on the table for me. Jack set three cups of coffee on the table.

"Well thank you," I replied. I looked down at the plate of eggs, toast, and fruit. "Is there a special occasion? You usually don't cook breakfast."

"I woke up early this morning and was in the mood to cook. I almost got carried away but stopped myself. I don't have enough time today."

We ate quickly. I noticed the others dressed up. Zara wore a black pencil skirt with a white turtleneck and black pumps that added at least five inches of height to her stature. She had straightened her hair; it fell down her back like a shiny silk curtain. She wore a bold royal blue lip color that contrasted with her dark skin and her dangling diamond earrings glittered in the light. She radiated power and beauty and I stared in admiration.

Jack wore bright royal blue dress slacks that stopped just above his ankles; faux-suede brown loafers; a pressed white dress shirt with a light blue tie; a U-neck navy sweater; and a suit jacket that matched the pants.

"What are y'all up to today?" I asked curiously.

"I'm going to a symphony with Terrance tonight," Jack paused, "he's the guy I've been hanging out with all the time."

"I'm going out with my girls this evening," Zara added.

"It sounds like y'all have fun evenings planned!" I exclaimed.

"What are you doing this evening?" Jack asked, popping a grape into his mouth.

"I don't have any plans," I said lamely. "I'll probably just enjoy the peace and quiet. Perhaps I'll start a new book."

"You could always come to the symphony with us!" Jack insisted.

"I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind if you join us," Zara assured, soothingly.

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