9) Black Skull Tattoo? Is it a family thing?

Start from the beginning

"He was never good at lying was he" Priyanka questioned, to which Elijah responded with a chuckle.


They sighed in unison and Elijah turned towards Priyanka.

"I better start heading home too, you coming?" Elijah asked.

Priyanka shook her head, "I have to wait for Gabriel to come pick both me and the dickhead up..." she grumbled out, kicking a stone on the floor.

"Who's Gabriel?" Elijah questioned and furrowed his eyes in confusion.

"The driver my step-dad told to pick us up and drop us wherever we wanted to go" she mumbled and raised her eyes to meet Elijah's shocked ones.

"Holy shit, living the luxurious life I see," Elijah laughed lightly.

Priyanka laughed along, "He owns a car company where they do model-shows. People buy cars too if they have enough money."

Elijah was impressed, "Buy my food from now on, rich girl."

Priyanka giggled and Elijah carefully hugged her goodbye, "I'll get going. Make sure to hit that asshole with the car door for me!"

She slapped him playfully but grinned, "I'll try."

{ Priyanka's P.O.V }

I waved after Eli until he was out of my sight of vision, immediately frowning after that. Having to wait for that son of a bitch was something I really didn't want to do.

Like come on, who wants a stuck up cunt who wears Loui Vuitton socks to be with them anywhere?

Don't ask how I saw his socks, I just never wanted to look at his face.

Though dirty shoes are an almost equivalent. 

To say the truth, I don't know why my step-dad hired one of his drivers to drive us everywhere, it's stopping me from going home with my only friends and that just pisses me off.

Making up my mind, I turned towards the gates and without a second thought, I started towards them, intending to go home myself.

However I stopped in my tracks when I heard someone calling out my name and turned towards the voice to see Alexander walking towards me, Ray beside him.

"Priyanka! There you are, I called you but you didn't answer," Alexander said with a smile.

I side eyed him and moved my eyes to Ray, returning the glare he was giving me, "Yeah... I keep my phone on silent."

That's not true, I just never answer calls from anyone that isn't Noah, Eli or my mother.

Besides, I don't even have his number saved- I should do that when I get home.

Alexander hummed with a nod and suddenly grinned, "How was my lecture? Was it good?"

I still don't understand why Ray's dad told Alexander to teach at our school, it was like he was trying to protect us or something. 

His most trusted driver to take us places and someone to randomly teach at our school? What am I? Six?

"It was alright," I replied bluntly and cast my eyes to the gate, where we saw Gabriel standing there in front of a black car.

Alexander hummed, "I should control what I say in class though. Me swearing didn't look good, did it?"

I grinned up at him, memory of his first impression coming back to me, "No, I think it's okay. Besides you being like any other teacher would make you more boring than you are now."

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