1: Prologue

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The kingdom of Gerevel is known for its wise, kind and merciful king. People live in peace and harmoniously as they were ruled by the said king.

King Res Hullja Gerevel respected and beloved by everyone holds the absolute authority of the Abysmal Knights—the country's military forces.

The Abysmal Knights' military brilliance and might were both revered and feared by the neighboring countries, resulting for the end of war and acquiring the offered peace treaty from every nation for the past five years.

But before peace could be attained

Bloods were shed and many welcomed death

Countless of cries

Countless of pleas

And countless of lives were sacrifices

Among those sacrifices was Cynthia Orinna, Eldest princess of Orinna Kingdom, who was forced to impersonate her twin brother who died just before their king father, could offer him as a peace tribute to the Gerevel kingdom 11 years ago.

Currently, Princess Cynthia, known as Cyde—the name of his twin brother, stared at the majestic man who took pleasure in playing with her fingers.

"Your Majesty"

Cynthia called with a steady voice.

"Mhm?" was the nonchalant reply of the handsome man before her.

"Your Majesty, please forgive this servant for being forward but may this humble one request for something?"


"May Your Majesty please release this lowly servant's hand...?"

"Request denied"

Cynthia bit the inside flesh of her right cheek.

"Your Majesty"

She called again, her voice held no trace of annoyance that was beginning to brew inside her.


The man didn't give her a glance and was obviously still occupied in playing with her hand.

"Your Majesty, please forgive this servant for being forward but may this humble one ask something?"


"When will Your Majesty release this lowly servant's hand...?"

"In time"

In time?!

When will that time be?!

Your Majesty, you've been playing with my hand for half an hour already...!

"Cyde, you're frowning"

Who's fault is that?

"My apologies, Your Majesty, the light from the sun is burning this servant's eyes"

"Is it?"

"Yes, your majesty"

"Then, this generous and benevolent master of yours couldn't allow that, now do we?"

With that statement, the striking man snaps his finger with a lazy and calm disposition yet beneath that temperament is the aura of dominance and supreme authority of a royalty.

Soon, a line of servants came to bow before him.

"Cover the sun"

That short and simple order from him made numerous of people began their task as to follow his demand.

"Now tell me, are you still uncomfortable Cyde?"

He asked with his cool deep masculine voice that was laced with a teasing note in which Cynthia didn't missed.

"This lowly one does not dare Your Majesty"

"Not dare what?"

"Dare to be presumptuous"

Hearing that, the esteemed and beloved king of the most prosperous country Gerevel, laugh heartily.


It's 2 AM and a random idea suddenly popped into my head (≧▽≦)

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