{Day 1}

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College AU or Chef/Baker AU

Tim sighed heavily as he watched the seconds on the clock tick by, silently counting down the seconds until school ended.

He never really cared about listening to the teacher give boring lectures, he only needed to pay attention when he was asking questions.

It's not like he didn't already know this stuff, but his parents insisted if he was already so smart and knew so much, to just might as well go to college for it.

He had to agree, they had a point. He probably would've been doomed if he didn't know so much about managing a business in this class.

He always watched his father work for Drake Industries, and sometimes his father even taught him a few things about the company and how to run it.

It was his parents dream for him to take it over, yet he wasn't very sure he wanted to do it. What he really wanted to do was go to college for photography.

But, of course, his parents brushed away the very thought of their son ever becoming a photographer.

The only person he really felt comfortable to tell all his secrets was Jason, who he was supposed to be meeting in 74 seconds.

And of course there was Stephanie too, but she was away in Star City for college with her girlfriend Cassandra.

Tim watched the red hand of the clock slowly tick closer to the 12 at the top of the clock, until after what seemed like ages it finally did.

The bell rang and his professor dismissed the class for the break, and many of the students rushed to put their things away.

Winter break was supposed to be a whole two weeks without homework, and Tim and Jason planned on spending a lot of their time together.

When Tim walked out of the classroom doorway, he instantly spotted the white tuff of hair that illuminated from the rest of the black.

Tim smiled and walked over to Jason, who had his backpack strung over one shoulder, his hands in his pockets, and a small smirk on his face.

"Hey Tim. You excited for winter break?" Jason asked as they turned to walk out of the building doorway.

"Yes. I can't wait to see that show you've been talking about nonstop." Tim replied, his smile growing wider as they walked down the stone steps.

Jason just sighed and wrapped his arm around Tim's back, his hand resting on his shoulder, bringing him closer.

The two walked down the sidewalk and to their shared apartment that was right off campus.

Jason and Tim had been friends for years now, almost 15 now, and had started dating back in high school, their sophomore year.

Jason was going to college for an English degree, and was always supportive about whatever Tim decided he wanted to do.

When they reached their apartment, Jason was the one to unlock it and open it for Tim, before closing it behind himself.

Tim set his messenger bag on the coat rack the two shared, right next to the hook where Jason kept his brown leather bikers jacket.

Jason walked over to his room and placed his backpack on his bed, before slipping off his shoes and putting them in his open closet.

Tim slipped off his own shoes and left them near the doorway, before walking over to the kitchen to prepare popcorn and coffee.

After the coffee started brewing and the popcorn seeds had just started to pop, Jason came into the kitchen with a warm slime on his face and walked over to Tim.

He wrapped his large and muscled arms around Tim's stomach, and leaned his head into the crotch of Tim's neck.

Tim put his hands over Jason's and leaned into the hug as he watched the popcorn and the coffee.

The sound of the machine twisting the coffee beans and pouring warm brown liquid into a pitcher mixed with the sound of kernels popping in a pan to fill the silence.

The two stood like that for a little bit before Tim turned off the stove, letting the last few kernels pop from the after heat in the pan.

He let Jason grab the pitcher filled with coffee and pour them into two mugs, one with a weird red bat design on one mug and  a white mug with a marble red on the bottom was the other.

Tim shook the pan and grabbed the spices from a kitchen cupboard and sprinkled it over the top before leaving the area to grab melted butter from the fridge.

Jason placed the clear pitcher back in its respective place before grabbing each mug in a hand and leaving the kitchen to walk into the living room.

He placed the two mugs on two small slates that Tim had made. One was black with the same red bat design Jason had on his mug and on his shirt.

The other had a small yellow bird design in the middle of a matching black slate.

Jason used to do a little artwork when he was younger, and designed both strange designs from when both he and Tim made up what they wanted their superhero selves to be.

He always dreamed of being the Red Hood, someone who would use his fighting skills and large amount of strength to take down bad men.

Tim wanted to be Red Robin, Red Hoods partner in crime fighting. He would use a bô staff and many different belts on his arms and stomach.

Tim came into the room with a large bowl full of popcorn and set it on the coffee table, and sat down on the white couch next to Jason.

Jason grabbed the remote and pulled up Netflix, before turning to face Tim, who stared at him quizzically.

"What?" Tim asked the older man.

Jason's only reply was a smile on his face as he pulled Tim onto his lap and cuddled Tim while pulling up Stranger Things on the TV.

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