{Day 5}

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Casefic/Detective Tim or Detective Jason or Office Romance AU

It had been officially two weeks since everything in Tim Drake's life had changed for the better.

He had graduated from the best police academy in the world, and moved to Gotham City to start his job as an official police officer.

Gotham City had the highest crime rate in the entire world, and it had always been a dream of his to help make a difference in the world.

But Tim didn't excpet to find himself crushing on the hottest guy on the force along with it.

"You should totally ask him out Tim! He's single, and I bet he's interested in you. He keeps checking you out, you just never see it."

Stephanie, one of the CSI agents for the GCPD was one of the first people to welcome him into the department and feel really welcome and at home.

Along with his friends included Bart Allen, Jaime Reyes, and Conner Kent. It was a small group, but he loved them all for their unique personalities.

Jaime and Stephanie were CSI agents and always hung out together, and Conner and he were partners, while Bart worked with Cassie Sandsmark.

"I don't know Steph. I'm okay as is, besides, you know how risky this job is. I wouldn't be able to loose another person."

Tim's parents had died right before he was leaving for the police academy, getting in a car crash on the way to a board meeting for Drake Industries.

"I swear Tim, he likes you too. So just go over there, tell him how you feel. It can't be that hard."

Tim started to sweat in his uniform. He wasn't exactly as good at being bold like Stephanie was. She was brave and had a lot of self confidence.

"Drake. Todd. I need you in my office." Commissioner Bruce ordered from his office, cutting off Tim's stuttering about trying to make up an excuse as to why he shouldn't tell Jason.

Tim gulped and walked over to the commissioners office before closing the door behind him, stuck in a room with his boss and his crush.

Ah the life of a 23 year old police officer.


Jason and Tim were stuck behind their cop car, bullets flying into the other side of it and over the roof of the blue car.

Conner Kent, Tim's partner, had gotten sick today and Jason's partner Roy was taking a sick day because his daughter was suspended from school.

The drug lord had sent men out to attempt to kill Jason and Tim when they were alerted that the two were there to bust up the ring.

Black Mask, one of the drug lords, was selling the other drug lord, Deathstroke, $1 million for a new drug that was only found in Saudi Arabia.

Commissioner Bruce had told the two men that he needed them to bust it up. Apparently with Tim's wits and Jason's major butt kicking, he thought they would be the best candidates.

Usually Tim and Conner would bust up stuff like this, being Conner was also on the bulkier side, same as Jason and Roy.

Jason and Roy more dealt with crimes such as the black market, and Bart and Cassie worked on thefts of all kinds, seeing as Bart was the fastest runner on the Gotham City Police Department.

Tim had nearly gotten shit twice, and Jason had covered for him, only for a bullet to graze the side of his arm, thank God.

Tim and Jason were cornered. There were at least 10 men out there, with much more powerful guns than what Jason or Tim had.

Jason had poked his head over the car a few times a fired a few shots, and from what Tim could hear, he had taken down three men.

Tim peeked through the glass to see 6 men still standing there and trying to fire at the car, stepping closer and closer.

If Tim and Jason didn't find a way out soon, they'd both be dead. And Tim didn't exactly want to die at the age of 23.

He still kind of wanted to ask Jason out, go on a date or more, have a kid, get married, possibly use photography as a second job somehow.

That life that Tim wanted sounded very appealing to him, but he wouldn't get to live through to any of it if he didn't do something.

"Got any bright ideas? I'm running out of bullets." Jason told him, before going to shoot from behind the car hood again.

Tim scanned the area, and assessed everything. He looked to see how many men were left. 4. He could work with that.

If Tim could manage to get to that wooden crate, he could chuck it at them, make a run for the other guys guns, and hit their arms.

Tim explained the plan to his new partner, who looked over to the wooden crate, and then back at him.

"That could work. I'll cover you. Go!" Jason shouted, before going back to shoot with his own gun. Another man down, bullet in his left arm.

Tim dashed over to the crate, before lifting it up and chucking it at the remaining guys, before both he and Jason made a break for the guns on the floor.

Jason had shot two of them in the leg, on of the same guys in the arm as well. Tim shot the last one in the shoulder.

Jason sighed in relief and looked over at Tim, gasping for a little air.

"You did good today." Jason had said, before placing a large hand on Tim's shoulder, a sincere smile on his face.

"So did you." Tim replied, not wanting to take all the credit.

Instead of getting a response, he watched as the man's eyes fluttered all over his face.

Before he knew what was happening, Jason Todd, Tim Drake's crush since he first worked for the GCPD, had kissed him on the lips.

The kiss was short and sweet, and Tim could taste Gotham City on his lips, and he felt at home in the mans muscular arms.

Alas, the kiss was short, but Tim wanted it to last forever. But that wasn't a time for right then.

Their lives would only get much messier from then on.

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