Chapter Eight: What Would I Do Without You?

Start from the beginning

“That was a really stupid thing to do Erik.” Paige said, not looking at him.

“The fop insulted you.” Erik said brusquely. Paige could tell from his voice that he was a little out of it from loss of blood.

“Yes, but that doesn’t mean you had to attack him!”

“Yes I did…” Paige rolled her eyes and walked out of the room to clean the cloth. “Paige?” she heard Erik call.

Paige walked back to Erik’s bedside and said “Yes?”

“Come closer to me, please.” Erik whispered.

Paige sat down on the edge of the bed. Erik sat up and drew her close to him; Paige gasped and blushed, thankful that he couldn’t see her face. “E-Erik?” she stuttered nervously. “What are you doing?”

“Being close to you.” Came his sleepy reply.

“Why?” she asked. All her defenses were up, protecting her heart from certain break. She couldn’t have him… she didn’t want him! … Right?

“I… I could have died today.” Erik murmured. “You saved my life today and I… I just… what would I do without you?”

Oh damn him! Paige thought as her heart melted. That’s not fair! She couldn’t hold her own against his sweet words… and the way he was holding her… no! No no no no! She thought desperately. I’m not in love with him! I can’t be! What happened to not believing in romance Paige? None of the inner turmoil showed on the outside as she said “Hush Erik…” she rubbed his shoulder and helped him lay down. “Go to sleep…” Erik fought to stay awake, but with Paige rubbing his shoulders and whispering to him, he found his eyelids slipping farther and farther down.

“Come… come! Come inside… come and see the Devil’s Child…” a ghostly voice called. Erik could see nothing, but he could smell sweat and manure and his hands rested on hard dirt. A sack was ripped off his head and Erik was blinded by a harsh light. His old gypsy master stood next to him, whip in hand. Erik was back at the gypsy camp! He looked down automatically and felt the old gypsy yank his hair up, making him face the crowd. But the usual crowd wasn’t standing and leering. It was just Paige, standing next to the rough bars of the cage and laughing at him. She was behaving exactly as the crowd hand all those years ago! “Paige, why!” Erik yelled.

“Did you ever think I would love you?!” she cackled. “With a hideous face like that?! Imagine!” she laughed again, picking up a handful of dirt and throwing it in his face. Erik’s mind shut down and tears began to fall from his eyes.

“But Paige… you’re all I have left to live for…” he whispered as the whip came down hard on his side…

Paige woke up to Erik crying out in his sleep. She had been asleep in an armchair beside his bed and she quickly stood up and rushed to his side. “Erik! Erik! It’s just a dream, wake up!” she said, shaking him, trying to get him to wake up. “It. Isn’t. Real!”

Erik shot upright like he’d been shocked only to double over in pain. Paige stood over him with a worried expression on her face. “No… go away…” Erik muttered.

“What? Why?” Paige asked in shock.

“Nightmare… gypsy camp… you hated me…” he said in a daze.

“I don’t hate you!” Paige exclaimed.

“But my face…”

“Is still a part of you.” Paige said. “And I’ll prove it!” before Erik could protest, she snatched his mask away and proceeded to place three small kisses on his deformities. Paige pulled back slightly just as Erik turned his face to look at her. This happened at the precise moment that would cause their lips to accidently brush, sending a shock through both of them. They stared at each other with wide eyes. “I… I…” Paige stuttered, all abilities to speak out the window in a second.

“I know, it was an accident.” Erik said. but oh how I wish it wasn’t… Paige moved to sit back in the armchair but Erik grabbed her hand to stop her. “Could you… um… would you mind staying right here with me?” he stuttered. Idiot… she’ll never agree to that! “I just don’t want to be alone…”

“I will.” Paige said softly. “But only if you promise to behave!”

“Paige, I would never… darling trust me, I wouldn’t try anything!” Erik said.

“Darling?” Paige asked.  Erik pretended that he didn’t hear her, he moved over so she would have room. After all, the swan bed was made for two! “Good night Erik.”

Paige fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow and Erik wrapped his arms around her. “Goodnight darling…” he whispered. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Paige…”   

 A/N- So I'm planning a series of pranks to be played on our dearly despised fop! Please comment and leave your ideas for what miseries the Vicomte should be put under! :D

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