Chapter Seven- How to Frighten a Fop and Get Away With It

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Paige was fast asleep, one of her hands on Erik’s hand. Erik hadn’t closed his eyes once all night, half because he was planning a little… surprise for the fop and half because all of his nerves were on end from Paige just being there. His heart was racing and he would freeze every time she moved in her sleep. Carefully, Erik moved her hand off his and whispered “I’ll be back soon.” He hesitated before kissing her forehead gently.

Erik walked down the street until he reached the address written on the paper in his hand. Not a soul was in sight as he turned down the street to the larger houses of Paris. The fop’s house was by far the biggest, a few more rooms and it could be a castle. Erik smirked as he started to climb. This will be easier than taking candy from a baby…

The fop… er… the Vicomte woke with a start when he heard eerie tapping on the wall of his room. He looked to see the doors to his balcony wide open and a shadow moving on the floor. The shadow moved close to him menacingly, eyes glowing in the dark. Raoul tried to shout for his servants, but he couldn’t make a sound. “Who… who are you?” he said finally.

“I am death.” The figured snarled “I am the embodiment of your worst nightmares combined into one. And I am here to talk to you about a certain event that happened at the masquerade.”


“While you were waltzing with your precious Prima Donna, you yelled at one of the ballerinas.” The figure hissed. The shadow moved until he was right next to Raoul. “She is worth twenty of you, you sniveling coward!” Erik tried to stay calm, but the memory of Raoul bringing tears to Paige’s eyes ignited fresh anger in him. “If you ever even look at her again, I swear I will find you and personally drag you to the pits of Hell.” Erik roared.

“I… I promise I will never say another word to her!” Raoul plead “Just don’t kill me!”

“I’ll spare your pitiful life this time.” Erik spat. “But remember, nothing goes on in the Populaire that I don’t know about!”

“You… you were with her!” Raoul said as realization set in. “You’re the Opera ghost!”

Erik cackled and flipped his cape before running to the edge of the balcony. Raoul grabbed the gun that lay beside his bed and aimed it at the fleeing ghost. Two shots rang out, waking the entire De Chagny household, but Erik escaped into the dark, completely unharmed and laughing like a maniac. Erik didn’t stop running until he was back in the safety of his lair. He collapsed into bed and smiled when he saw that Paige was still fast asleep. Erik knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help but to move a little closer to her. To his amazement, Paige wrapped her arms around him and cuddled closer to him. Erik didn’t dare to move a muscle; for fear that he would wake her and ruin the moment. Paige muttered in her sleep and then shivered; Erik smiled and placed his cloak over her. Still smiling Erik fell into a peaceful sleep.

The next morning Erik woke up to the sound to footsteps echoing on the stone. He was up in a flash, Punjab lasso in hand as he snuck out to the main cavern. He spotted the intruder and stopped in confusion as he said “Madame Giry, to what do I owe this visit?”

Madame turned around and said “Oh don’t play innocent with me Erik, the Vicomte came into the auditorium raging about a demon that threatened him last night.”

Erik chuckled nervously and said “Is that so? Interesting…”

“Erik, I know it was you.” Madame Giry rolled her eyes. “You must learn to control your temper!”

“But… but he made Paige cry!” Erik said.

“Yes well now Paige can’t return to the corps de ballet because of your preposterous actions!” Madame Giry exclaimed. “Raoul wanted to speak to Paige at once and I told him that she had left the ballet dorms. I put her belongings down here for safe keeping.”

“Thank you Madame.” Erik said.

“She will either need to remain down here with you or she will have to return home.” Madame Giry said.

“She’ll stay down here!” Erik said.

“Erik, that isn’t your decision to make.”

Paige woke up and found herself wrapped in Erik’s cloak, but Erik himself was nowhere to be seen. She heard voices and walked into the main cavern. She saw Erik and Madame Giry talking and Erik smiled when he saw her. “Good morning.” He said, still smiling.

Her heart leaped at the sight of his smile and she mentally scolded herself. Honestly Paige, it’s just a smile! “Good morning!” she said back.

“Paige, you’re friendship with Erik has been discovered.” Madame Giry said.

“What?! How?!” Paige asked.

“Well someone,” Madame Giry shot a look at Erik who smiled sheepishly. “Doesn’t know how to control his temper.”

“Oh goodness, what did you do?!” Paige said, looking at Erik.

“I sort of threatened the Vicomte a little bit.” Erik answered.

“I believe his exact words were that he would ‘personally drag him to the pits of Hell’ if he ever spoke to you again.”

“Erik!” Paige exclaimed laughing.

“What?!” Erik said defensively. “The look on his face was priceless, by the way!”

“You didn’t have to threaten him.”

“Yes I did.” Erik said, taking a few steps closer to Paige. “He made you cry.”

Paige rolled her eyes and hugged Erik. “Well thank you.”

“Ehem.” Madame Giry cleared her throat. “Your two choices are to stay here with Erik or return home.”

“Can I stay here?” Paige asked, looking at Erik.

“Of course!” Erik said, smiling.

“Yay!” Paige cheered.

“Your belongings are over there.” Madame Giry gestured to her things.

“Thank you!” Paige said. “I’m going to change into normal clothes, just a moment.” She gathered her things and disappeared back into the Louis-Philippe room.

“So you’ve found a different girl?” Madame Giry said, smiling knowingly.

“She sort of found me.” Erik said, staring after Paige.

“I trust you’ll behave like a gentleman while she is here?”

“Madame!” Erik exclaimed.

“What, I just have to make sure.” Madame Giry chuckled. “I wish you both the best.”

“She’ll never think of me as a love…” Erik said sadly.

“You never know, Paige is very unique.” Madame Giry said. “She’ll surprise you.” And with that Madame returned to the above world leaving Erik to ponder what she just said.

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