3/meeting again

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Lucy's pov

Its been a little over a day now since I met the guy I saw at the camp mart, and I cant get him off my mind, i even dreamed of him his lips on my neck giving gentle nips and kisses while sweat talking in my ear in whispers and I melted right into him a moaning mess and feeling all of him...

no stop get your head out of the gutter lucy, I've never had a dream like that before I've never thought of guys like that before but then again he was no guy he was a man..

anyway I need to concentrate im at the trailer at port bruce and im looking for a summer job while I'm here maybe at one of the ice cream places there are a few here in Port bruce, its only 2 weeks but still I will be bored while my parents go off on there own like they always do

I finally decided to head out i know a place my sister worked at here and maybe I could get a job with them they are a nice elderly couple and so sweat so i head over its a 15 min walk and its nice out

im wearing my favorite jean shorts and a white shirt that says "don't flatter yourself i only look up to you because im short" and my red hair is in a messy bun I didn't bother with makeup I dont like wearing it because it gets itchy and feels annoying

I'm 5 min in my walk and decid to put my headphones in to listen to music on the way and the first song I hear on my random mix is "summer time sadness" but a better remix that I like of the song 🎵 🎶 and start to sing along to it as i walk down the road

After a few more songs I get to the place its a little snack shack that mostly sells ice cream the owners are helda and Lindo they are a cute couple in ther 60s, i wave at them as i come up

"Hey dear what can I get for you, how's your sister" helda asks as i take a seat

" angie is doing wonderful she just got a job for a travel agency called L.I.T. and is in new York right now" i say happy my sister got her dream job

(Ps from author L.I.T is made up lol)

"Oh thats wonderful im glad she got her dream job so what can I do for you?" She asks smiling

"Well I was wondering since I'm going to be here a few weeks maybe longer, but if I can work here part time helping out if thats OK?" I ask a little nervous

"Oh of course deer we were actually short on hands around here and were thinking of putting a help wanted sign for part time as me and Lindo are getting old now" she says

" thank you so much when do I start?" I ask now getting excited that I won't be twiddling my thumbs all summer bored

"How about next Monday in 3 days lets say 3 pm to 10 pm every other day?" She asks

And I nod yes im so excited "yes"

We talk a bit more as there is no one around and isn't busy as it rained earlier so the water is really wavy and mucky so no one comes, we talk about life and more about my sister and her girlfriend her name is Heather she is crazy but also awesome, its sad my parents don't accept her. it was great after an hour of talking I headed back after saying good bye,

On my way back I also listened to music this time it was "believer" that came on and as I was heading back it felt like I was being watched but didn't see anyone beside the regulars that lived here and some kids and families so I brushed it of as being paranoid and continued walking

As I opened the trailer with my keys I noticed my moms car gone i guess she left with dad probably on a date again and won't be back till tomorrow, as I got in and locked the door sure enough there is a not on the fridge saying they will be back in the morning

I swear even though they have been married over 25 years they still act like they are in there honeymoon stages i sometimes think that they forget me and my sister exist 😅 its getting late so I head to bed after eating and my normal night routine

Unknowns pov

I see the light turn off as she goes to bed most likely, as I sit across the trailer park on a near by bench it wasn't hard finding her i dont know why griz asked me to look for her but I do have to admit she was beautiful thats for sure I sent griz all the info he will need to find her and her background check coded of course and then head back home wondering why he wanted to know who she was? And maybe i can make some money with this info....







Lucys pov.

I woke up early like I always do getting ready after taking a quick shower i decided to walk along the beach maybe collect more stones for my collection i love sea glass its so pretty, after getting my bag and heading out I make my way to the beach its nice and cool out its a little  cloudy but the weather report said it wouldn't rain till later tonight so its fine on my way i again feel like I'm being watched but it feels different this time, I look around but dont see anyone its still early so most people are sleeping in, I ignore the feeling and continued to the beach. after making it to the beach I walk along the shore enjoying the sounds of the waves and looking every once in awhile for cool stones

After awhile of walking around and collected a few stones I sat at a log that was washed up on the beach and relaxed a little i leaned back a bit and closed my eyes enjoying the summer breeze it felt so nice and peaceful out after a minute of me doing this i felt a shadow cover the sun so I opened my eyes thinking maybe a clowd covered the sky but instead it was the guy i met at camp mart!?!?!? I was stunned for a little then looked at him he was about 2 feet away from me just staring with a small smile and was wearing only swim trunks and was topples he had an 8 pack and a defined v line were his trunks went a little low and I could tell he was huge down there, his long black hair went to his shoulders and was a little wet he had alot of scars as well but they only made him look more sexy... i was snapped out of it when he finally said something, I had to double check to make sure I wasn't drooling

"angel its nice to see you again" He asked in a very deep husky voice and I wanted to jump him then and there but held back instead I smiled 😊




What did you guys think
Hope you liked this chapter sorry it was short next chapter will be longer and will be in grizzlys pov

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