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"3"I counted and it felt like I was being sucked into a magic portal.I opened my eyes to see I was in a meadow.There was a bunch of adults and kids talking and playing.I turned around to see aunt Leena and momma smiling at me with Daisy and Rue by their sides."Are we in a better life?"I asked excitedly."Yeah and there is no more dark side here.You're safe now."Aunt Leena said as they both pulled me into a hug.We were approached by this boy that looked my age.(Played by Ryan Kelley)."Hi.My name is Johnny.Do you wanna play tag?"He asked and I looked up at him."Can I?"I asked excitedly."They nodded and I ran off with Johnny."So how did you get here?"Johnny asked tossing me a ball."I was playing with my brothers when my momma and aunt Leena and they said we were going to a better life.My brothers are suppose to be coming soon."I said throwing the ball back to him."How old are you?"Johnny asked and I smiled."I'm 13 turning 14 in a couple days.How old are you?"I asked catching the ball."I'm 14.I am going to turn 15 in October."Johnny said."Cool.By the way my is Valerie."I said and yawned."Valerie!Come here please."I heard momma yell."Ok momma."I yell back and turned to Johnny."Here's your ball.I will see you later.Goodbye."I said and hugged him.I walked to my momma and aunt Leena."What do you need?"I asked and they grabbed my hands in theirs."When coming to this place comes with a price."Aunt Leena said softly but sternly."What do you mean?"I asked looking up at them."There are rules,Val.First you have to cooperate."Momma said and I nodded.They led me to this man.He had black hair and warm blue eyes.He reminded me of Damon."Hi!My name is Valerie.What's yours?"I asked happily."Hello,my name is Nicholas.As your mother and your aunt told you,there are prices for being in this place.All of these people are like you.They have had been through many things in their life and they come here to get a second chance."The man said and I raised my hand."You mean that they have had a bad side like me?"I asked in curiosity.He laughed a little."No child.Some of them have but others have had similar things.Now I need to tell you the rules of the place."Nicholas says and I nodded.
Nicholas explained the rules of what they called Promise city.It was like any other place.There were breakfast time there were free time to spend with our family and close friends.Then there was lunch time.After lunch there were chores to do.Then after chores there were a 15-30 minute nap time for children 12 and under.After that there was time where we could play and stuff and finally it was bedtime."Come on,Valerie.It is time for bed."Momma said and I looked up from my sitting position.They wanted me to go play while they talked.I got up from the ground and walked over to them.I grabbed both aunt Leena and momma's hand in mine.They took me to this small cottage and to a room.It had white walls and floors that felt like grass under my feet.There were small blue nightstands and a small bed in the middle of the room.The bed was a twin sized bed with white sheets and blue pillows.I got into the bed and was tucked in by momma while aunt Leena turned on the lamp."Goodnight momma and aunt Leena."I said and yawned."Goodnight Valerie."They said and walked out the room.I turned on my side and fell asleep.

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