Post Teen Antics

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Bakugo practically broke down the door to their dorm after being caught by Aizawa. 

What the fuck

What the fuck

That goth asshole wasn't supposed to be back until 5. 

That's how it worked. Every Wednesday, the rest of the class went to training, and Aizawa stayed after school to grade papers. 

So why the fuck was he here. 

They chucked the wig into their closet and immediately took off the dress. 

They were more embarrassed about it then Tokoyami and Kirishima. Mostly because this was much more personal to them. 

They've been questioning themselves for a while, ever since Tiger gave his speech about being a trans hero. 

Of course, they had these feelings before but heavily repressed them. They assumed it'd hinder their ability to become a hero. 

Not to mention what their parents would think. 

They hadn't told anyone. They considered telling Deku for a while, seeing as he already transitioned. 

But the thought of telling someone something they hadn't fully figured out themselves…

It terrified them. 

They used they/them when referring to themselves internally and online. 

They weren't quite comfortable with fully using she/her, fearing that it'd hurt more when people used the incorrect pronouns. 

They went to the bathroom and removed their full face of makeup. 

As soon as they'd finished, they threw on a hoodie pajama pants, deciding to go to bed early. 

They didn't wanna have to face Aizawa again today. 

The other boys had run straight to Kirishima's room. Mostly so that Tokayami could return the dress he was borrowing. 

Kirishima was upset. The day they finally convinced Tokoyami to join them, was of course the day Aizawa decided to come home early. 

As soon as they made it to the room they slammed the door shut and slumped down against the wall to catch their breath. Kirishima honestly worried if Tokoyami wouldn't join them anymore after this. 

That is

Until Tokoyami completely lost his shit. 

He was laughing harder than Kirishima had ever heard from the corvid and before he knew it, Kirishima was laughing with him.

It took them longer than either of them would admit to calm down. But once they finally did, they got up and started getting changed back into their normal clothes. 

Tokoyami hung the dress back up in Kirishima's closet and sighed "I guess I need to start going shopping huh?" 

Kirishima smiled and hung his dress as well. "Yeah! We gotta go together sometime"

Tokoyami smiled and made sure the coast was clear before leaving. 

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