Will Anyone Even Like Me?

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It all started after homeroom on Monday when he asked to see Mr. Aizawa in private. 

As he waited for everyone to leave the room, he tapped his splinted fingers on Aizawa's desk, staying completely silent. 

As soon as the last student had walked out, he finally gathered the courage to open his mouth.

"Do you know anything about trans heros?" 

Aizawa seemed apprehensive at first, he looked over at the nervous child, setting down his paperwork 

"why do you ask?" 

Midoriya reached into his pocket and pulled out a small keychain with a familiar blue, pink and white flag from his hoodie pocket. "Well, it's just that I'm… uh…" 

He hands the keychain to Aizawa and looks away. 

Aizawa looked closely at the keychain, and then back at Midoriya.

 "Um… yeah… I've just been nervous about being a pro hero… and what people will think of me if it ever got out that I'm… you know?"

Aizawa thought for a bit before responding 

"Well… there's Tiger from the pussycats, and he's fairly popular…" 

After all the hero research he's done, you'd think Midoriya would know this by now, but it surprised him. 

Aizawa continues, "and then there's hawks, not many people know about him but he also doesn't try particularly hard to keep it a secret. There's also Ryukyu and…" 

He pauses

"Midoriya I need you to promise me that what I'm about to tell you, stays between us."

He wasn't quite sure what to think. On one hand, the wave of relief he felt knowing that he wasn't alone was phenomenal. 

But... was Aizawa about to out someone to him? 

Does that mean he can't trust Aizawa to not tell anyone about him?

Was this a mistake-?

"I travelled America to have someone with a gender changing quirk help me transition when I was 19. But I don't like having that information public."


"Wait, really??" The sudden bouncing and wide grin on Midoriya's face told Aizawa that he was in for an earful. 

And like a bomb, the problem child went off. 

He spoke so fast Aizawa couldn't even make out what he was saying so he cut him off mid-sentence by handing back the keychain. 

"Midoriya, you're gonna be late for class." 

He looked up at the clock and sighed. 


He looked up at Aizawa and smiled. "Thank you, Sensei" 

Without any further questions, he left. 

Aizawa sighed as he packed up his stuff. He wondered if Bakugo knew about Midoriya's secret as he grabbed his car keys and left the classroom. 

If only Aizawa's next conversation was as easy. 

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