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A/N: side ship: Ziam

*Louis' POV*
"—but I don't wanna go Niall" I whine and sigh.

"I don't care, just because you and Harry don't like each other that much, doesn't mean we can't have a good time!" The Irish boy smiles and continues to pack my things.

"But why camping?" I continue to whine and he hits my arm while growling. Confused and a bit taken back I stare at him because, he just growled!

"You and Harry always ruin our friendship trips and I'm sick of you two not getting along okay? Just stay away from him and don't cause drama. Now help me with your bag you fat ass" Niall mumbles a bit annoyed and I don't answer back, not wanting to start a fight with him.

"It's just for the weekend Lou. Just two days." I nod and sigh:

"Alright, but if he says a single word about me I'm-"

"Yes yes, I understand. Okay, let's go! The others are probably waiting!" Niall smiles excited and quickly walks outside.

I follow him with my bag and put it in the back of the car. "Hello Boys!" Niall smiles and sits besides Harry, who's sitting in the middle, forcing me to aid besides him.

Zayn and Liam are sitting in the front, holding hands on the gearstick.

"Lets go!!" Liam says and starts driving.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round, the wheels on the bus go round and round, all through the town..." I hear Harry quietly sing and I roll my eyes.

"Harry." Niall laughs, "This isn't even a bus you idiot." Harry just smiles a little and I mumble; "Harry is a fucking idiot, no wonder he doesn't know this isn't a bus and has to sing songs from 6 year old kids.." The only bad thing is everyone heard me and Harry flips me off.

"Shut up you ass." He says and I turn to him.

"If you didn't start to sing like a stupid 6 year old I might wouldn't have said anything at all, so you shut up."

"Why do you even talk to me you brainless dog?! Just shut your mou-"

"If I'm a brainless dog then you are a-" I cut him off, but get cut off by Liam.

"Guys, you both shut up now or I'm gonna play some music for me and my baby" Liam threatens and we go completely silent.

After an hour of driving we finally get to to our destination and begin to put up our tents. After we all sit around the fire I notice something.

"Wait, there's only three tents. One for Ziam, one for Niall and-" I stop talking.

"Oh no! Never in a million years am I gonna share a tent with this son of a pig" Harry finishes off for me and crosses his arms.

"You have no other choice guys! And it won't be that bad, okay? Good." Zayn says and continues to whisper things into Liam's ear.

It's close to midnight when we decide to go to sleep and me and Harry lie next to each other, completely silent.

"I don't like you." I suddenly hear.

"I don't like you either, now shut up." I say back.

"You shut up."

"Just go to sleep and don't talk to me."

"Shut up idiot." He shoots back.

"Asshole." I say and the fight goes on.

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