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"Louis pleaseeeeee" Harry begged for the hundred time. Louis just rolled his eyes and payed his attention back to the tv.

"Lou, come onnn" Harry whined.

"Harry, we've talked about this once to many times! You can't get pregnant!"
"But I want a fucking baby!"

"Harry you are a male! It's impossible! Now, would you shut up?!" Harry pouted and got up from the couch and stomped his way to their bedroom.

Louis rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch and walked to their bedroom, where Harry was now sobbing into his pillow, stomach facing the bed madras.

"Haz, come on." Louis cooed as he sat down on the bed, next to Harry. He didn't get a response, Harry just shook his head into the pillow.

Louis sighed and pushed Harry's long curls out of his face. Harry opened his eyes and stared into his beloved boyfriends blue eyes.

Louis faces Harry's green piercing eyes, looking deeply into his forest green eyes. The sight was heartbreaking. Harry don't cry often, but when he does it is absolutely heartbreaking.

"Why?" Harry asked through sobs.

"Why what love?"

"Why won't you give me a baby?" Louis chuckled, the crinkles by his eye appearing, like they always do when he smiles.

"Oh Harry, I would love to give you one, but you know it's impossible." Harry groaned loudly as he face palmed back into his pillow.

"Stop it haz, you're only making it worse for yourself."

"But- I WANT A FUCKING BABY!" Harry groaned louder, if possible, and threw his pillow at the window.

"Calm down baby-"

"Are you trying to kill me?! {sarcastically} Of all the names you call me, you choose baby?! wow." Harry sat up staring angrily at Louis, with tears streams down his face.

"Harry, please calm down. I didn't mean to. Now would you please calm down?" Louis spoke softly as he placed his hand on his hurting boyfriends shoulder.

"I-I just-" Harry choked on his sobs, but was cut off by Louis' lips crashing into his. They fell down on the bed, Louis laying on top of Harry. Harry placed his hands on Louis hips, as Louis was fiddling with his curls.

"Mmm" Harry moaned into the kiss, one thing led to another and soon enough their tongues were added to the picture.

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