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Hey hey,
Some news for everyone who has enjoyed this book.

I will not be continuing it.
My partner has stopped continuing it as well, staying only as support.

I haven't talked to him in a while, so the pause of this book is in my blame.

I'm not sure if either one of us will continue it seeing as we're not communicating with each other at the moment.
I will keep everyone posted if we do.

I'm sorry this didn't go as long as I wanted it to, but I lost inspiration.
I'm also sorry to anyone who did request something, I know a few people did.

I really am. I might finish them but I can't promise anything due to my mental health being as shitty as ever.

Thank you to those who've sticked around er yeah.
I will say I loved writing every chapter of this book, but I lost interest in bnha and yeah...

Thank you all, and...
Alas, goodbye :]


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