Chapter Twenty-Three

Start from the beginning

"No, why?"

"You said you know his Grace. It is my understanding that he hardly moves without the young lady with him." Katy smiled and looked at the ground, unsure how to respond to the man. "She is said to be quite captivating and very passionate about her people."

"And where have you obtained this information?" Katy chuckled, scanning over the room again.

"She is the talk of the city. There is much trade with Ireland and sailors have shared tidbits about the soon-to-be duchess." Katy felt his eyes on her, though she fought the urge to look at him. "My father believes she will be quite the addition to the Royal Family and that his Grace is fortunate to have her. She seems to take after her brothers."

"You are quite the gossip, Mr. Townsend," Katy called moving away from him. John followed quickly behind her.

"I should like to know more about you," he spoke confidently. Katy could not help but smile and turned to face him.

"And why is that?" Katy teased. "It seems as though you have ways of finding information. I am confident you could find all the information you seek, should you ask."

"It is much more fun to gather from the source!" Katy closed her eyes and turned away from him again. "If you will not tell me, will you at least share a dance with me?" Katy stopped and sighed, looking over her shoulder quickly. John beamed in the hall.

"Only one," Katy lightly put her hand in his and entered the line of dancers. John bowed and Katy curtseyed quickly. Katy kept her head high but smiled and laughed with John. He moved perfectly to the music, guiding Katy in the proper steps. Out of the corner of her eye, Katy spotted Anne and Francis enter the hall.

"Are you married?" John asked, as he guided her in a circle.

"Betrothed," she quickly responded.

"And where is your betrothed?" He questioned, genuinely interested in Katy but looking forward. "Surely he would not leave you here, alone."

"That is exactly the question I have asked myself. I have not seen him since I arrived."

"That is how I feel about my father. Though, I am sure he is doing business." Katy lightly skipped to the side with John, lightly swinging a foot and repeating the move to the other side. Richard rushed through the doors, shining in his gold and white tunic. They made eye contact immediately and Katy beamed, slightly lowering her head. Katy turned her back to Richard and continued with John.

"Your Wardship, I should like to introduce you to the Lady Kathryn," Richard spoke confidently to the tall, plump man behind him.

"I would be honored to make the acquaintance of Lady Fitzgerald. I should also like for you to meet my son, John. I hope he may be able to assist you, as I do, in keeping the peace during this troubling time."

"Of course! And where is your son?" Richard questioned, looking over his feast but holding his gaze to Katy dancing.

"Why, he is actually dancing with that beautiful woman in red and gold. My son is fortunate such girl would take the time to dance with him. For she is a sight." Edmund advised and chuckled. Richard looked to Edmund and laughed quickly.

"Why he certainly has excellent taste in women. Come with me." Richard pushed towards Katy. Katy continued her eye contact with him as he walked quickly, smirking as he approached. She slowly shifted her gaze to the floor and curtseyed. Richard took her hand and kissed it, much to John's surprise.

"Hello, your Grace," Katy lifted herself, smiling in his presence.

"Your Worship, this Lady Kathryn Fitzgerald of Kildare," Richard advised. The man immediately bowed and seemed taken aback by the news. John took some steps back and bowed to the lady.

"Forgive me, milady," John spoke softly, looking her up and down. "For I did not know."

"You must rise Mr. Townsend, for I did not disclose myself to you on purpose," Katy turned her attention to his father. "Tis a pleasure to meet you, Sir. I have heard the most incredible things of you and all you have done for Gloucester. I hope I may be able to assist the people here in any way possible."

"It is such an honor to have you among us. I have heard the stories of you family and know of your loyalty to our King." Edmund turned his attention to Richard, "This is my son, John." John bowed again, quickly to Richard.

"Thank you for having us, your Grace."

"Ah, do not thank me. Katy made all the arrangements. She felt we must show our appreciation to Gloucester and its people." Katy smiled and looked at John from her side. "And you have quite extraordinary preference in women," Richard complimented. Richard did not show any signs of jealousy, which Katy loved. They had worked hard to maintain their trusting relationship and in moments like this, it paid off. For John was no threat to Richard, and Richard knew that. "If you would excuse us, gentlemen," Richard commented stealing Katy from the group.

"You look very handsome," Katy whispered. Richard smirked and bite his lip. "Do not look at me like that!" Katy scolded. "We are in public. You are going to cause a scandal."

"You have truly outdone yourself this time. Dancing, drinking, and people full of joy, all thanks to you."

"Hopefully they will remember we were kind, should we need them," Katy added in, taking a small sip of wine. "Though I hope we should not."

"Let us not think such thoughts during this day. We should only think of future as bright." Katy and Richard looked at each other, both smiling softly. "The mayor is taken with you, as is his son. He will be able to keep support for York and help to maintain our people's moral." Katy continued smile with the sounds of music and laughter, for it seemed everyone was genuinely happy today. "I should like to visit you tonight, alone." Richard dared not to make eye contact with Katy, and she could not help but stifle a laugh.

"That is a horrible idea. We both know what may transpire and we cannot risk that." Richard shook his head and looked at Katy.

"I have known you since I was sixteen. Believe me, if self-control was a problem, you'd know it by now. Though according to Edward, once we are married it does become difficult to control," he whispered. "I should like to give you something."

"Then you should meet me the gardens," Katy advised. "It will be beautiful tonight and I should like the fresh air."

"By the fountain?" Katy nodded and flushed while Richard kissed her hand. He squeezed if softly as he smiled, disappearing into the feast.

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