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If you couldn't tell yet, I'll be titling these chapters by numbers in Norwegian, because I thought that would be fun. I don't actually know any Norwegian, so I got my information on the numbers from a website. I apologize if any of you are Norwegian, and the following chapter titles are wrong.

I also don't know a whole lot about Viking religion, or lore, but obviously you, or MC, wouldn't be in it. You are going to be someone entirely made up by yours truly, and I did not take any inspiration from any legends, if anyone was wondering, I say to my non-existing readers.

Alright, that was all.
Tonsberg, Norway (965 A.D)

    "Once," The voice of Odin narrated across a landscape covered by the shadows of night. "mankind accepted a simple truth, that they were not alone in this universe.

"Some worlds," The villager folk went about their day, tending to their daily task. "Man believed to be home to their gods.

"Others," A woman gripped her daughter closer to her as she and other noticing people looked up to an unknown threat. "They knew to fear."

Bright flashes of blue light appeared through a thick blanket of fog, only to part and reveal a huge swarming army of bigger-than-men creatures.

"From a realm of cold and darkness, came the Frost Giants," The leader of the army skillfully used the box-like power-filled relic in his arms to blast a wave of ice into a boat gliding along the waves of water in front of them.

The wooden vassal froze over, and shattered into little pieces in a matter of seconds, and yet that still didn't stop the ice from spreading. It destroyed everything it touched, like a toxin or a virus spreading through the body.

The woman and daughter from earlier sprinted away, trying to avoid the cold breath of magic hunting for them, like death itself. The woman screamed at the top of her lungs, and brought her child to her chest as the ice engulfed their lives.

"Threatening to plunge the mortal world into a new ice age." Odin continued.

A Frost Giant surged forward, and leaped into the air, conjuring an ice weapon before letting out a monstrous battle roar.

A bright tunnel of multitudes of colours showered down into the ground, seemingly halting the attack for a few mere moments.

"But humanity would not face this threat alone." And as the mist of snow cleared, Odin and his troops stood ready to face the Giants on the other side of them.

Odin stared bravely into the red eyes of the Frost Giant king, Laufey, before both parties charged forward.

Asgardians yelled out as their metal clashed with ice in what seemed like a frenzied brawl.

Laufey pushed a soldier to the ground before he used the source of his power to freeze the two in front of him, and shattered them with the swipe of his sword. He conjured a ball covered by spikes and threw it at the closest enemy, as Odin blasted Giants with his mighty staff.

"Our armies drove the Frost Giants back into the heart of their own world, but not before they had taken one of our best warriors as captive.

"Sigrid the Beauty, a wealthy high class shield-maiden, and Frigga's oldest friend."

The wind blew specks of snow over the rock like castle of Jotunheim, as dark, gloomy clouds rushed in to cover the sky.

"The cost was great. In the end, their king fell." Odin victoriously held his spear point over Laufey's throat as the Giant gasped for air. Odin grimaced, right eye lost in battle.

"And the source of their power was taken from them." A soldier cautiously retrieved the glowing casket. "With the last Great War ended, and Sigrid safely rescued," The bifrost opened up with a blinding light, letting the Asgardians escape into their home world. "We withdrew from the other worlds and returned home to the Realm Eternal.


Over glorious mountain peaks, bright skies, and the golden, sun-kissed castle home to many, lay the realm of the gods.

"Here we remain as a beacon of hope, shining out across the stars. And though we have fallen into man's myths and legends, it was Asgard, and its warriors, that brought peace to the universe." Odin finished, guiding his two sons towards the end of the relic vault, a (colour)-haired child following closely behind.

"But the day will come," Odin warned, taking a step towards the pulsing blue casket, the source of the Frost Giants' powers. "When one of you," He turned back around to face his children. "Will have to defend that peace, accompanied by your betrothed wife." He nodded his head at the girl between the two boys.

"Do the Frost Giants still live?" Loki asked.

"When I'm king," Thor boasted. "I'll hunt the monsters down and slay them all!" He punched at the air enthusiastically.

The girl beside him giggled, earning a soft frown from Loki.

"Just as you did, Father." Thor added proudly.

"A wise king, never seeks out war." Odin advised, leaning against the table the casket laid on. "But he must always be ready for it." He smiled, his eyes flickering from one boy to the other, before he walked past them.

The three kids glanced at each other and grinned. They quickly sprinted off to catch up with Odin.

"I'm ready, Father." Thor promised, taking his father's hand in his own.

Loki did the same and said, "So am I."

Odin gazed behind his shoulder at the girl briefly. "What about you, (Y/N) Ísvieg? Are you ready to guide a king, and husband to help keep the peace?"

She shook her head, staring up at the older man. "No, sire. I'm afraid not. I'm not ready to marry."

Odin chuckled. "It seems you are correct, (Y/N), as neither is your betrothed husband." He glanced at his boys once more. "(Y/N) has been promised by her mother, Sigrid, to the future king of Asgard, and only one of you can ascend the throne, but both of you were born to be kings."

Loki and Thor both shot the girl quick looks behind their backs. Their faces were scrunched up uncomfortably, as all three hated the idea that two of them would marry.

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