Chapter 17: A Fishy Situation

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His mind had went blank.

In just one second he was just talking to Himeko, the next he was suddenly out.

Alex just swore anything peaceful just had to always go wrong so quickly and it had happened yet again.

Alex eventually woke up again on a bed in a completely random room.

He assumed he was still on the ship as he ended up being correct because the moment he turned to his side, he saw Himeko in the bed with him. Naked, smiling, and blushing.

'Oh great. She's drunk in bed.' Thought Alex as she got dangerously close to his face.

"Give mama a kiss, sugar~." Said the drunken, sleeping Himeko as she got closer and closer to Alex's face

Alex was about to shove her away but suddenly a girl came in and immediately grabbed Himeko and stood her up.

"Geez. Your showing up drunk again on another person's bed Aunt HOmeko." Said the girl as Alex noticed how severely she had butchered her name.

The drunk Himeko just continued to gaze around half asleep so the girl just placed her on another bed in that room and helped Alex up.

"S-Sorry for knocking you out." She said

"Wait. It was you? The hell did you knock me out with?"

"I threw a gun."

Alex was shell shocked for a moment.

"Why would you throw a damn gun around!?'

"I-It wasn't meant for you!" She said as she pointed to Himeko. "It was meant for Aunt Himoko!"

'He butchered her name again.'

"I swear you weren't supposed to be hit! My aim was just off."

"Yeah. It was majorly off."

"What's that supposed to mean hub?"

The girl took offense to that.

"Nothing. Anyway, who are you?"

"I'm Kiana Kaslana! A soon to be amazing SSS Rank Valkyrja! I mean, I am from the famous Kaslana family after all! We're all natural born warriors who've been fighting the Honkai for generations! It's only obvious I'd be the best!"

"Yikes. You sound full of yourself. I sense massive amounts of big talk. All bark and no bite."

"H-How dare you! No one should talk down me and my legendary family! Especially not a SHORTY like you!"

Alex just looked at Kiana. No. Not just looked, but STARED at her.

"The FUCK, did you just say?" Said Alex.

Kiana would've continued on but thankfully she trust her judgement and didn't press forward on the initial conversation.

"N-Nothing. Anyways, why're you here? It's odd for a non valk to be here."

"According to Himeko, she kept bugging your principal Theresa so much to bring me here so Theresa caved and let me on."

Kiana nodded as eventually Himeko got sober and stood up completely fine.

"Ah. I see you've already acquainted yourself with Kiana."

"I'd say familiarized."

"That's fine enough with me. Anyways, Alex, I'd like you to spend the night on the ship."

"Hm? Why?"

"Tomorrow I plan to give you a mission with our Valks. We have a partnership so it's allowed."

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