Chapter 15: The Sky Calling

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Not even a week had passed and all the news outlets were blowing up about how Black Jacks' founder had returned and was back in charge.

Thanks to Weiss and Jackie, they were able to keep Alex's involvement hidden so he wouldn't be branded as a corporate traitor to Black Ops HQ.

Alex was now watching the media happily for once seeing the positive news Base Kamno was getting.

Shockingly, similar to how Kaitlyn choose to stay with Alex after reconciling with Otto, Jackie had choose to also stay with Alex after getting back in charge.

In her own words, similar to Kaitlyn, Jackie had love the hospitality Alex's apartment room had given her so much that she just couldn't leave ever after getting back in charge.

Alex honestly wondered what made his apartment room so hospitable.

He didn't think much of it though as they all would have their own reason as to why they were staying.

In the days following Jackie getting back into power, she was able to set Dekota straight and help fix her ways.

Alex was able to talk to the real Dekota who wasn't power hungry and was just a smart, sometimes sarcastic but really nice girl who just let the power get to her head.

Thankfully no punishments were handed out aside from a small scolding for Dekota which was enough.

I mean, after all she got knocked out cold by a Russian Neko so that was considered punishment enough.

That was all that really happened in the days after.

Alex had now planned to go a decent while without getting involved in any more events.

I mean, holiday season was around the corner and he really wanted a break.

Granted ever since his mom's death, he never really did anything for Thanksgiving, though, he was sure Rita would DEFINITELY do something and she wouldn't be taking any objections.

Alex sighed at that but was fine as he got a nice meal with them.

Now, a week had passed and was almost done so Alex was hoping nothing new would happen suddenly.

Though, as fate would have it, there were other plans developing, in the sky.

[In The Sky: On A Certain Battleship]

"Firsr you won't stop nagging me about wanting a raise and vacation." Said a small nun sitting at a desk that was barely shorter than her.

This was Theresa Apocalypse, a girl who had been introduced earlier as she and Bradley had co jointed the attack on Schicksal.

She was currently being confronted by one of her top worker, Valkyries, as they put it, a red head adult named Murata Himeko

She was currently being confronted by one of her top worker, Valkyries, as they put it, a red head adult named Murata Himeko

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