Chapter 16: Valkyrie. Not Valkyrja.

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Well, here Alex was.

Slowly getting raised into the sky and on board the giant flying battleship called the Hyperion.

Honestly, as much as he really wanted to take a break and relax, visting a giant battleship honestly wasn't that bad.

Alex saw no way this could go bad.

After a nice ride being lifted, Alex, being brought by Theresa and Himeko, were eventually onboard Hypetion's boarding and deporting station.

"Since this was your idea Major Himeko, you'll show Alex around the ship. I have work to attend to." Said the loli nun as she walked back to her office.

"Is she, in a bad mood?" Asked Alex.

"No. She's just a little irritated since I kept bugging her on wanting to bring you here."

"How long did you bug her for?"

"As long as I kept bugging her to give me a raise and a vacation. Which has been a year."

"Jesus. Why'd you wanna see me that bad?"

"Well, let's see. First off, your practically the most popular fugitive here and on the news. I just had to meet you in person to understand the real you. Secondly, you were the one with the idea to even attack Schicksal which was sudden but hugely beneficial for us."

"I see. Well, thanks I guess." Alex said a little flustered that this adult woman wanted to see him.

"Aww. No need to thank mama~. Your welcome sugar." Said Himeko with a wink.

'And here I thought Becky was only on the ground.' Thought Alex as he got the same vibe from Himeko as he had gotten from Becky.

Himeko walked ahead as Alex followed.

"So, what're we doing?"

"I'm gonna show you around. Our main bridge, a few of our classes, and our main prize, our Valkyrja."

Alex heard that last part and looked at her with a confused expression.

"What is it sugar?"

"It's not Valkyrja. It's Valkyrie."

"Theresa made a spelling mistake and we couldn't fix it so it's just like that. And we all just got used to saying it."

"Alright reasonable. I guess. Are all these Valkyries the same?"

"Somewhat. We rank all our Valkyrjas from B up to the highest rank, SSS."

"Why's B the lowest?"

"Theresa was too nice to use F, D, and C. So she made B the lowest."

"Yeah. Of course she did."

"Anyways, I'm gonna show some of our well known Valkyrjas. Neither is Rank B. They're all A up to SS."

"What about you and Theresa?"

"Theresa is our leader so she's obviously a SSS. I'm slightly behind as I'm a SS."


As they walked, they soon made it to a library.

Alex was impressed these flying ship at a library in the first place.

Alex followed Himeko as she walked up to a girl reading.

"Ms. Raiden. I've brought a guest."

The girl stopped reading and closed her book and turned around

The girl stopped reading and closed her book and turned around

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